March 6, 2014

Reset your clocks ahead!
Just before you go to bed.


Burning last year's palms for our Ash Wednesday ashes
Services for this coming Sunday, March 9th, The First Sunday in Lent, will be at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. We hope you will join us for worship and fellowship.
Readings for this Sunday: Genesis 2:15—17; 3:1-7; Psalm 32; Romans 5:12-19; Matthew 4:1-11.
We had a wonderful Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper! See picture gallery below.
 We are in need of volunteer coffee hour hosts. Have you hosted recently? Sally DeGoot, our hospitality chair, would be happy to work with you. Thank you.
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.  Hebrews 13:2

Baptismal Preparation and Inquirers’ Class: Our first meeting of the group will be this Sunday, beginning at about 11:25 in the Prince Room. Some people are preparing for baptism; others are preparing to godparent; others are ready for a refresher in Bible, the church, prayer, and exploring how our faith prepares us to be “People of the Way.” We plan to meet five times during Lent at this time slot (after church on Sundays for about 45 minutes).

Our Wednesday Lenten Simple Suppers will begin on March 12th at 5:30.  Please talk to Carolyn Boldt (767-0533) if you would be willing to provide soup, bread, or salad. We will hear an engaging reading for about 15 minutes during our eating, then we will converse about for a bit, and close with an informal table eucharist. We will meet in the Prince Room.

Participating in LoveLife: Living the Gospel of Love: To sign up, go to       You will receive a two-minute on-line video, followed by a reflection question for the day. With this, you are invited to join in a sequential reading of the Gospel of John. This particular gospel, engaged in thoughtfully and reflectively, can help us all live more abundantly the life of love we are called to live. The 9 a.m. Wednesday services of Morning Prayer will be anchored in John’s Gospel and our daily reflections.

Have you discussed with your family making a household practice of Generosity and Sharing with others during Lent? For full description Click Here .
Here are some alternative suggestions:
Put aside one item of food each of the 40 days of Lent and donate them to our food pantry.
OR Provide “a meal a day” for a person in need by calculating the per person cost of your family supper and put that in bowl each night, giving the money to the food pantry.
OR Surprise some people and invite them to supper. Remember generosity and sharing is fundamentally about building a broad community of equality in which no one goes hungry and no one is lonely.

The kitchen dishtowels are looking very old and decrepit. If you have any in good shape to spare, please drop it off next time you come to church.  The Dinner Bell cook teams and other kitchen help “thank you"!
As we journey into Lent and keep altar decoration to a minimum, just a word of thanks to Dale Appleton for her faithful tending of the altar flowers each week.  She is the person who makes sure that flowers are either ordered or provided, and very often Dale arranges them. How grateful we are for this important ministry.

Thanks to all who made the Pancake Supper such a success – with special gratitude to David Manley (organizer-in-chief), Brooks South and George Rau (pancake chefs extraordinaire), Patti Rau, Chris Mills, Carol Tubman (expeditious, cheerful servers and kitchen crew), and Duane for his photos!
Connor and Preston tended the Pancake Tossing flawlessly with no adult assistance!
Young and old and in-between delighted in receiving tattoos!

 And the hall was full of masked guests from the parish and the wider community.

Food for thought and reflection…
A prayer after Saint Anselm, 1109
Lord, you speak in my heart and say, “Seek my face.” Your face, Lord, will I seek; hide not your face from me. Raise me up from myself and dray we to you. Cleans, heal, quicken, enlighten the eye of my mind that it may look to you. Strengthen my soul that with all the power of my understanding it may strive to know you: for you are life and wisdom, truth and beauty, and everything that is good. Amen.
See you in church!
Lenten blessings,