Services for this coming Sunday, October 2nd, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, will be One Service only at 9 am with guest preacher, The Rev. Susan Ackley, celebrating the Blessing of the Animals.
Readings for this Sunday: Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20, Psalm Canticle 12; Matthew 21:33-46
Sunday’s Service was enjoyed by all with guest priest, Rev. Gail Avery presiding.

This Sunday, October 2nd, One service only at 9AM and will be our Blessing of the Animals service. Plan on bringing your pet(s) to church that morning. Please have dogs on a leash and other creatures in a cage. We will reserve the transept as an “animal free zone.”
This Sunday, visit the Prince Room and take any of the items that you may want from the tables displaying items that did not sell at the outdoor flea market. There will be a basket for donations.
Plan to visit our booth at the Sandwich Fair next weekend, October 8th, 9th and 10th.
Attention Bakers and preserve makers! Please have labeled preserves and baked goods at the church by Friday, October 7th at 3pm. Baked goods can come Thursday or Friday morning (later if you have a key). Preserves may be dropped off anytime this coming week. If you need an alternative drop off place or time, please call Gretchen at 323-7459.
APPLES, APPLES….. it has been pointed out that there is an apple tree on the east side of the church that is bearing lots of fruit. Bring a basket and pick some to take home.
Please note the “hive” has re-appeared to remind everyone of our ongoing need to meet this year’s budget. The poster shows the amount of Special Gifts for Operating Budget we still need.
ALL ARE WELCOME! To join a Service of Morning Prayer, every Wednesday at 9 AM, led by one of our three licensed worship leaders.
September by Helen Hunt Jackson
The goldenrod is yellow;
The corn is turning brown;
The trees in apple orchards
With fruit are bending down.
The gentian's bluest fringes
Are curling in the sun;
In dusky pods the milkweed
Its hidden silk has spun.
The sedges flaunt their harvest
In every meadow-nook;
And asters by the brookside
Make asters in the brook.
From dewy lanes at morning
The grapes' sweet odors rise;
At noon the roads all flutter
With yellow butterflies.
By all these lovely tokens
September days are here,
With summer's best of weather,
And autumn's best of cheer
Blessings, Debra
Fri 9/30:
10a-noon Food Center
8pm AA & Al-Anon(PH,PR)
9am Holy Eucharist with Blessing of the Animals
5pm Dinner Bell: Cook team: Rau
Church office closed
Tue 10/4:
10a-noon Food Center
8pm AA (PH
Wed 10/5:
9am Morning Prayer
Thu 10/6:
Anyone who might be willing to provide pictures of our guest priests or have something to post, please forward your information to the office through hard copy or email to