Don’t miss the picture gallery at the end from last Sundays
service! |
for this coming Sunday, July 10th and the 8th Sunday after Pentecost, will be at 8 and 10 AM with coffee hour following
each service. We hope you will join us
for worship and fellowship. This will be Rev. Heidi’s next to last Sunday.
Readings for Sunday: Amos 7:7-17, Psalm 82, Colossians 1:1-14, Luke 10:25-37
Memorial service in celebration of the life of Andrea Dassori will be held this Saturday, July 9, at 11 AM. Andrea died
in April after a long illness. This liturgy will be an opportunity this parish
and her friends up here to gather with her family to remember, give thanks for
her life, and entrust her to Almighty God.
CLOSED!!! If you
normally approach the church from the East (having taken Rte. 25 from the
Rte.16 direction) you will find that Whittier Road is closed for bridge work
plan ahead and leave an extra several minutes. You will need to take Rte.25
towards South Tamworth and enter Whittier Road by the western end. If you are
coming from Chocorua or points north of that, the best route is to take a right
off of Rte.16 at Chocorua Village onto Rte.113, follow it to the Tamworth
Four-Corners and there to take a left on Rte.113 to get to Whittier Road from
the accessible end!
Women's Lunch Bunch is scheduled for
Wed, July 13, at noon
at the Mountain View Station in Center Ossipee. This will be Heidi’s last time
with Lunch Bunch, so Dale Appleton asks that you call her (539-3761) to let
her know that you are coming so that she can reserve tables accordingly.
Rev. Bill Cruse,
who will be serving as your priest this summer, beginning on July 24,
joined us for worship on Sunday, and in response to the visit wrote: “Great to
be with you! John and I really enjoyed the worship AND the hospitality! So many
people met us and welcomed us with good conversation!” Bill is looking forward
to his time here. By way of introduction, he sends
this bio:
He was ordained to the priesthood by
Bishop Rob Hirschfeld in January. He earned his MDiv from Episcopal
Divinity School in Cambridge, and a Certificate in International
Ecumenism and Mission from the Boston Theological Institute in May 2015.
During the Spring of 2014 he studied at the Divinity School of Chung Chi
College, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Bill works with The Kaleidoscope
Institute (KI) in congregational vitality, multiculturalism, and missional
ministry, starting as a workshop participant in 1997, then Facilitator, and
since 2006 he as been an Associate planning and co-facilitating
workshops in the United States and Canada with seminaries, local
congregations and regional judicatories of the Episcopal, Methodist
and Presbyterian churches, and the KI ecumenical institutes. As a
consultant with KI, he is the East Coast Program Coordinator. Bill is a
Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development
Inventory® and an intercultural competency coach.
Bill and his family live in Ossining NY,
and enjoy summers at a rustic, 100+ year old log cabin in Jackson NH. Bill is
an EfM (Education for Ministry), avid gardener, gourmet cook, and enjoys
day hikes in all seasons. He grew up on the south shore of Lake Erie in a
sailing family, and earned Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees in
Voice Performance from Ohio University. Bill sang professionally in NYC, worked
as a coordinator for AIDS-related community services, and was a facilities
manager for a global software company. His faith, and a call from God, drew him
more fully back to the Church, and ordained ministry, to empower God's people
to spread the Gospel of Love, social justice, and to know God's kin-dom that's
here for everyone.
It's official! The Vestry has met
with the Rev. Caroline Hines and has approved her call to serve as the full-time interim here at
Saint Andrew’s beginning in September. She is a trained and experienced interim and has been
working for the past year at St. James’ Church in Keene, New Hampshire. Prior
to that she has ministered transitions in Maine, Ohio, and Christ Church
Exeter, NH, where she had also served as Associate Rector for seven years. A
full biographic introduction and a more detailed explanation of interim ministry will be available next week.
Food for thought from the Rector . . .
A mere ten days from today
together we will celebrate
the ministry we have shared
for 12 1/2 years.
How can this be?
Didn't I just arrive,
so warmly greeted by Chuck, Brooks, and Elaine
on a chilly February afternoon,
with my boxes of books to unpack in my office?
Now, on a steamy July morning,
I sort papers.
Pondering what shape this vocation will take.
What will I need?
What baggage can I now shed?
*Ever-present God,
You called us on a journey to a place we do not know.
We are not where we started.
We have not reached our destination.
Sometimes we are not sure where we are
or even who we are.
In many ways, this is not a comfortable place.
Faithful companion,
Be among us, we pray, wherever we may be.
Lighten our hearts.
Open our eyes to new possibilities.
Calm our fears, save us from discouragement,
And help us all to stay the course
so that in our journeys to this Unknown place
we are carried in your abiding love.
[* Italics portion from "A Prayer for Transition"
by Kristi Philip, Women's Uncommon Prayers, p. 88,
with modifications.
Peace and blessings, Heidi+
A Picture Gallery from the Baptism of Peter
The Procession -- with containers of special water |
Do you desire to be baptized? |
Godmother Gabriele offers the prayers. |
Almighty God, we thank you for the gift of water! |
Peter, I baptize you in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. |
Peace be with you! |
Awaiting First Communion |
The body of Christ, the bread of Heaven! |
Sustain him, O Lord, in your Holy Spirit.
Give him an inquiring mind and discerning heart,
the courage to will and to persevere,
the spirit to know and to love you,
and the gift of joy and wonder in all your works!