I’m sharing two links today that were shared in the clergy meeting with the Bishop this morning. The first is serious; the second quite light. The first was written by John Lewis just days before his death, and appeared in the NY Times this morning, the day of his funeral. It’s called “Together, You Can Redeem the Soul of Our Nation” and is worth the few minutes it will take to read. It can be found here: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/30/opinion/john-lewis-civil-rights-america.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage
The second is a parody on a song from Dancing Priest Does St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Tifton, Georgia, “decided to rewrite the song, ‘You’ll Be Back’ – in which King George orders the American colonies to stop rebelling, or else – to remind his parishioners that their church will be waiting for them when the pandemic ends. It was the perfect number to use in the annual parish talent show (which, like everything else, has been moved online).”
If you’ve seen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFduNE4pXAQ
Enjoy! Caroline
Update from John McGowan
John has asked me to let you all know that he is feeling quite well these days, and after consultation with his doctors and a lot of prayerful consideration, has postponed his surgery scheduled for tomorrow. He will continue to consult with medical staff and revisit this decision in several weeks. He is most grateful for all your prayers and support over these last months.
via Zoom (see email for Zoom information)
or Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/standrewsinthevalleytamworth/
The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
August 2nd, Proper 13, Year A
Collect of the Day We center ourselves for worship in prayer.
Let your continual mercy, O Lord, cleanse and defend your Church; and, because it cannot continue in safety without your help, protect and govern it always by your goodness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
First Lesson Genesis 32:22-311
Our Hebrew Bible
reading tells how Jacob, on the night before his confrontation with his brother
Esau, wrestles all night with a man he comes to recognize as God. Many years earlier Jacob had tricked Esau and
stolen his blessing and birthright. Now
Jacob has grown rich in the service of his father-in-law Laban, but he greatly
fears his meeting with his brother. Jacob’s
struggle with God may in part express his guilty conscience and coming to terms
with the evil he had done. He has to
fight for a blessing and permission to return to his homeland. For his new life he is given a new name,
Israel, but is left with an injury as a sign of God’s supremacy and a reminder
of his wrong.
Psalm 17:1-7, 15
A plea for justice and protection by one who has followed ‘s ways.
The Second Lesson Romans 9:1-5
In this reading Paul expresses his anguish and sorrow that so many of the children of Israel, the people especially favored by God, have not found the Lord’s promise. To them belong the covenants, the law, and so much else. From their nation Christ himself came. Paul would go to great lengths, even see himself an outcast, if such would help Israel to know its salvation. Later in this letter Paul tries to explain how this all may be part of God’s plan of redemption, which in the end will include Israel with the Gentiles.The Gospel Matthew 14:13-21
Our gospel is the story of Jesus’ feeding of over five thousand persons. After the death of John the Baptist, Jesus seeks a time of retreat. The crowds, however follow him, and he has compassion on them. The narrative suggests many levels of meaning. It recalls Old Testament stories, especially God’s feeding of the Israelites with manna in the wilderness, and points forward to the legendary banquet at the end of time where Christ the King will preside. The abundant miracle illustrates Jesus’ lordship; he is intimate with the powers of creation. Other themes associated with the Eucharist are close at hand.
Our outdoor Eucharist is on August 9 at 5:00 pm. If you would like to come, please read the guidelines and let me know that you plan to attend. One of the questions I’ve been asked since sharing this last week is whether we will have both bread and wine for Communion, and the answer is that we will only have bread. Sharing the cup is simply not considered safe, and the Bishop has asked us to use only bread.
We plan to have several 10’ X 10’ canopies set up to provide additional shade.
We chose August 9 as the date because this is the Sunday closest to the anniversary of the consecration of the church, August 6, 1927. We will commemorate our birthday by ringing the church bells 93 times at the Eucharist, one toll for each of our 93 years and writing notes expressing our gratitude for St. Andrew’s (
After reading the documents recommended by the Bishop, CDC guidelines and State of NH re-opening guidance we developed the
The Eucharist will be a continuation of the morning Liturgy of the Word, not a full service. Our morning Zoom service will be the same as usual. The afternoon Eucharist will have only minimal elements of the Liturgy of the Word (one reading from Scripture, no sermon, no Prayers of the People), followed by the Eucharistic Prayer and Communion. Those who plan to attend the Eucharist are encouraged to attend the Zoom service as well, both for the elements of the service that will only occur at the morning service and to stand in solidarity with those who do not feel comfortable gathering in person.
Stay tuned…. As we approach August 9 we will no doubt make some minor adjustments to the plan. Meanwhile, please let me know ASAP if you plan to attend.
Happy Birthday, St. Andrew’s-in-the-Valley!
For those who are homebound: Joyce Gendron, Marge Hagerup, Elizabeth Pease, Susannah Keith, Alida, Dylan, Brian & Sara Kelley, Bob Wallace, Carl Mamigonian, Elizabeth Wiesner, Judy Grace, Audrey Berry.
For our First Nation people and those in this country who are living in impoverished areas of the Ninth Ward of New Orleans and the inner city areas populated by some of our poorest citizens.
For all those who are on the front lines serving communities during these difficult times.
The 2020 Pack a PACK Drive is Going Virtual!
Although learning may look different this fall, it’s more important than ever for every student to have their own supplies. Help WMUR, Service Credit Union, The NH Food Bank and Boys and Girls Club of Central NH, to make that happen by making a donation today!
This is the program that David Manley coordinates for us every year. The only difference is that it’s all online this year. You can make a donation of any dollar amount, or you can make a $50 donation for a backpack and school supplies, a donation of $25 for a back pack, or a donation for $25 for school supplies.
To make an online donation go to https://servicecu.org/packapack/
Thanks to David for reminding me about this important way we can help school aged children, and directing me to the website!
Next Food Pantry: August 5th, 19th
Prayer is not about the magic of saying certain words so that some desired outcome happens. Rather prayer is about the mystery of love. We pray, not because we want something, but because we love someone.