January 28, 2010 

A few reminders for the coming week:

Ham and Bean Supper Friday at 6:00. No reservations needed. Adults $10; children $5. This is a fundraiser for our Outreach and Mission Projects; 85% of net will go to M&O projects, 15% to Saint Andrew's general fund.

Annual Meeting Sunday! We will have one service only at 9:00, followed by a sit-down pot-luck brunch. The meeting itself will begin at about 10:45 and will end at about noon.  Annual Reports are now available in you Parish Hall mailbox. This is the day we reflect on and celebrate what we have accomplished in the past year and look ahead to possibilities lie before us. The Nominating Committee will present an uncontested ballot which is in your Annual Report, though there is always the possibility of nominations from the floor. 
Voting members are those whose baptism has been recorded in the parish register and who have been active in the parish for at least six month. That said, we warmly welcome all to the service, the brunch, and the meeting!

Wednesday discussion group 10:00 to 11:30, Feb. 3:  Chapter 7 of Faith, Life, and the Episcopal Church, "What is God calling you to do?" 
Prince Room Eucharist at 11:45.

Next Sunday, February 7th: ONE service only at 9:00. Well-known area pianist, composer, performer, and good friend of this parish Dana Cunningham will be our guest musician and provide the music for our liturgy. 

Mission and Outreach: What’s next for St. Andrew's
18 of us gathered for a lively and thought-provoking conversation last Sunday. We are at an information-gathering stage, with small groups having committed to exploring a number of specific possibilities. As a next step in our discernment process, we will re-convene next Sunday, February 7th, after the 9:00 service (at about 10:20) to share the results of our research. If you have questions or suggestions, talk to Duane.

One specific focus of concern was Haiti. As follow-up to that, I pass along the following webpage which addresses the work of Episcopal Relief and Developmenthttp://www.episcopalchurch.org/79901_118854_ENG_HTM.htm 

* If clicking on the link above does not work: open a new browser window, cut and paste the link into the address bar, and press Enter.

Missing church windows? Just a reminder that many of our church windows have been removed for maintenance and painting. We are now looking for a few volunteers to do a thorough (indoor) glass-cleaning job on them before they are re-installed. If you are available to help, call the office.

Food for thought from theologian Hans Kung:

"The ticket to heaven is a group ticket! You don't have to do it alone!" (It's about community and relationships.)

See you in church.



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