Three students from the Edith Junior School in Vehega, Kenya show off their brand new uniforms. Uniforms are a necessity for attending school. See the entry below for more details
June 10, 2010
This Sunday, June 13th, we will welcome the Rev. Tobias Nyatsambo as our guest priest. Services will be at 8 and 10. Tobias came to our area three years ago from Harare, Zimbabwe (Southern Africa) to serve as Priest-in-Charge at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Ashland. He is a warm, dynamic, and wonderful priest and human being. (I wish I could be two places at once to sit in the pews with you!) In Harare he was rector of a large parish (five services on each Sunday!) and was the first black, local African priest to serve in that capacity. (Prior to that they had imported white priests from the United Kingdom.) He brings his deep faith and a lifetime of experience to his preaching. I hope you will warmly welcome him and his wife, Rose.
Duane and I will be on vacation, leaving Friday morning and returning on the 18th. We will be in the dry hills east of San Diego, California visiting our son, Chris. I will be back the following Sunday. There will be no Thursday MEMO next week.
The Edith Junior School Uniform Project update: There has been a TREMENDOUS response to the request to contribute funds for uniforms for children at the school in Kenya. If you have not yet done so and would like to, checks can be made out to St. Andrew's with "uniforms" in the memo line. The cost for making one uniform is $8. Thanks you to all who are making this possible. Do take a look at the pictures on the poster in the Parish Hall, taken by Sammie Wakefield when she was there last fall!
An update on Dinner Bell Set-up procedures: At their meeting this past week, the Parish Life Committee reached the decision that we abandon the practice of assigning the job of setting up of tables, chairs. We recognized that that particular system had become unrealistic. In reality, each Sunday, people who are still around at the end of Coffee Hour have been teaming up and in getting the work done efficiently and with good spirit. So that volunteer effort will become our standard procedure.
This is NOT the responsibility of Chuck, our sexton, so please do not presume that he will attend to it. If one or two "able-bodied" people who are still around after 20-30 minutes of coffee hour socializing time can just start the ball rolling with table set-up, and encourage others to lend a hand with table cloths, salt & peppers, and chairs it be accomplished in short order. There is usually a need for someone to roll silverware packets as well. That can easily be a sit-down job. If you'd like to help with that and don't know the routine, just ask someone who seems to be in the know.
The hospitality that we provide each week to the guests we serve at Dinner Bell is an important ministry of this church. Thank you for your part in it.
Have a good week.