Gretchen welcomes guests at Saint Andrew's first, very successful, annual Sandwich Fair booth!
Additional pictures below! Photos by Carol.
Saint Andrew's-in-the-Valley
Thursday MEMO
October 14, 2010
Services for Sunday, October 17th, will be at 8 and 10 AM, followed by coffee, snacks, and our Fall Work Day. Please come to church dressed to help out for an hour or so after whichever service you attend. As usual, there are plenty of both indoor and outdoor tasks. We could definitely use several willing gardeners, to put the Memorial Garden to bed for the winter and to thin and work the back bulb beds, so bring your gloves and favorite digging and raking tools. We could also use a team of "heavy-duty" workers to demolish the rotting board walk to the Prince Room, so if that appeals, bring heavy gloves, crow bars, and sledge hammers!
A word from your Stewardship Committee: The time has come! Pledging now begins in in earnest! Ponder. Pray. Pledge. It takes all of us together to support the flourishing of our "Saint Andrew's hive."
We are now at the mid-point of our Fall pledge drive, with the hope of 100% participation. To those of you who have already pledged, thank you! The beehive frontal on our altar is now open! The honey comb has been revealed. When your pledge card has been received, a honey comb cell will be "filled." God, the giver of all gifts, calls us to discover the joys of our own generosity in giving.
Our Pledge Drive will culminate with a Celebration Eucharist and Breakfast on November 7th, following the 9:00 service, but we hope most pledge cards will be turned in before then, so that we will be able to celebrate our successful completion!
Copies of Take This Bread, by Sara Miles, our next book for discussion, have been ordered. With luck they will arrive by Sunday. If you ordered one, check in the office. If you would like to be part of the conversation and did not place an order, check your local library or favorite book store. Possible discussion times will be posted when the book arrives. The plan is to read the book in its entirety, then to come together to discuss it.
The ChIPs program (Children of Incarcerated Parents) annual Christmas gift collection continues. For details, see the display in the transept. All contributions, in the form of either checks or new toy, must be brought in by October 28th so that our delegation can take them with us to Diocesan Convention on November 6th.
Thank you to the AMAZING team of Sandwich Fair workers and providers: Gretchen, Val, Carol, Lynne, David, Kathy, Claudia, Bruce, Ed, Marie, Becky, Tom, Peg, Chris, Ginger, Ginny. We brought in over $1000 and shared ourselves with the world!

Chris and David tend our table on Sunday.

See you in church!
Blessings, Heidi+