Saint Andrew's-in-the-Valley
Thursday MEMO
April 1, 2011
We will have ONE Service only this coming Sunday, April 3rd, the fourth Sunday of Lent, at 9:00. You may remember that 4th Sunday of Lent -- also known as "Refreshment Sunday," "Mothering Sunday," and "Laetare Sunday" (laetare meaning 'rejoice') -- allows certain relaxations of the penitential observances, a little glimpse of Easter promise before we begin the approach to Palm Sunday and Holy Week. To mark this relaxation of our observances, our Gospel and homily will take the form of a Chancel Drama followed by a "Talk Back" conversation on John 9, the story of the man born blind, the passage appointed for this Sunday. The FUN-Raising Committee will host the coffee hour and provide our "gastronomic refreshment." We hope you will join us for worship and fellowship.
Then return to church at 3 o'clock for our long-awaited Music for an April Afternoon, a concert of instrumental and vocal music (and a bit of poetry) offered by area musicians. This is being offered to the glory of God and in hopes of the greening of Spring(!), for your enjoyment and to help support our organ maintenance fund. Come and bring your friends.
A Reminder from the Treasurer: We depend on your pledges to pay our bills on a weekly basis. Although money has been coming in each week, pledge income is currently about $4,930 less than where our budget needs it to be. Our checking account is dangerously low on funds; we have payroll to meet and bills to be paid.
Pledge payments as of March 27:
Budgeted ..... Received ..... Difference
$30,960 ....... $25,760 ...... ($4,930)
Even if all pledges were up to date, we'd still be in a pinch because the budget the vestry approved for 2011 counts on almost $8,000 in special gifts. To date we have only received $250 (from two households). Through our combined generosity, gradually we will be able to meet that goal over the course of the year. The responsibility belongs to all of us. Special Gift to Operating Budget envelopes are now available with the bulletins. No matter the size, every gift is important and helps our church operate financially, which in turn supports our mission and work as Christ's heart and hands in the world. Thank you!

Our Wednesday morning Lenten series, Holy Dying: Preparing for a Good Death, continues this Wednesday at 10:30 with session four. We will be exploring the Prayer Book material for the end of life and funeral liturgies. Bring your Prayer Book (if you have one) and be thinking ahead about favorite readings and hymns. all are welcome, even if you have not attended the previous sessions. Keep in mind that a planned funeral is a great gift to your family. Let's do that work together. We will close with a simple eucharist at noon, followed by a brown bag lunch for anyone who would like to stay.
Readings for Sunday: 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Psalm 23, Ephesians 5:8-14, John 9:1-41
Food for thought (and a hint about Saturday's Quiet Day)....
Bread for the journey is no burden. Russian proverb
Hunger teaches us many things. Irish proverb
You can think as much as you like but you can invent nothing better than bread and salt. Russian proverb
The crop of the field is always rich in hope. Spanish proverb
Live within your harvest. Persian proverb
Bread is relief for all kinds of grief. Spanish proverb
Even crumbs are bread. Danish proverb
God's hand is always opening. Spanish proverb
I am the bread of life. John 6:48
Take nothing for granted and receive much. This changes everything, makes us empty, makes us new, transforms us. All gratitude comes from this: that we truly receive our lives, each other, and the world.
See you in church,
Blessings, Heidi+