Harp music enriched our worship last Sunday, thanks to Val May.
This coming Sunday, July 3rd, we will have ONE service only at 9:00, followed by coffee hour hosted by the Stewardship and Finance Committees. Childcare will also be available.
Have you purchased your tickets for the upcoming Lobster Boil and Steak Grill Dinner on July 22nd at? This is our one FUN-Raising event that requires reservations. Tickets will be available during coffee hour or you can make a reservation by calling the church office and leaving a message. Be sure to leave your name, the number of tickets, and whether you will want lobster or steak.
If you would like to join with others who have contributed, there are special envelopes on the bulletin tables. And as to the question on the envelopes inviting suggestions as to what to call our new acquisition...Suggestions so far include "a quorum of chairs," "an assembly of chairs," and "a congregation of chairs." Other ideas????
The chairs arrived in twenty cartons and provided an
The chairs are designed to stack twenty high in a "reclining" position on each of three, very easily maneuverable rolling racks. The may also be stacked up to four high on the floor.
It's not too late to participate! The Bishop Search & Nomination Committee has extended the completion deadline for the survey portion of our diocesan self-study and data-gathering.
The new deadline is Friday, July 8, 2011. 30 of us from Saint Andrew's have responded already. We have some healthy completion going with our friends at Trinity, Meredith. Last week we were tied with them, but they've pulled ahead of us and are now at 40! If you're reading this email and haven't yet responded, now's the time. click here. Many thanks to all who have participated already.
Duane and I will be away, leaving Tuesday for two weeks on vacation in Woods Hole, returning on the 18th. We have two popular guest priests in my absence: Next Sunday, July 10 the Rev. Robert Steifel. The following Sunday, July 17, the Rev. Jay Hutchinson. Services on both Sundays will be at 8 and 10. In the event of a pastoral emergency during the week, Debra will be in the office during the mornings. At other times, call Carol Tubman at 539-2780.
Readings for Sunday: Genesis 24:34-38, 42-29, 58-67, Romans 7: 15-25a, Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30
Food for contemplation as we approach the great American "High Holy Day" of July 4th, from the Rev. Dr. Allen Hilton of the Congregational Church in New Canaan Connecticut ...
"Brothers and sisters in Christ, as we celebrate our nation's bold and lasting declaration of independence, we also glory in declaring our own independence from the tyrannies that would oppress us. But as we do, we had better choose our own dependences as well.
I began this morning by confessing my bewilderment at what does and doesn't stay in a memory -- the theme songs from bad sitcoms are in, the profound lines of the Declaration of Independence are out. And Among the more beautiful lines that ever snuck into my little brain are the generous and inviting words of Jesus that we read from Matthew's Gospel this morning. My memory hold the King James version and these words constitute a call to dependence:
"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly of heart and ye shall find rest unto your soul. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
In the dizzy joy of independence, it is ours to choose our new dependence as well. The One who created us came to us in Jesus Christ and calls us to a new kind of serving that is not about injuring or usurping, but rest -- not burdensome and daunting, but easy and light. That Lord invites us to table this morning. That Lord says, "Come unto me."
Have a Happy Fourth of July Weekend.
I hope we'll see you in church!