Preparing the "living water" for the baptism of Isaiah and Lilyana last Sunday
Saint Andrew's-in-the-Valley
Thursday MEMO
August 26, 2011
Services for this coming Sunday, August 14th and the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, will be at 8 and 10 AM. This will be my last Sunday before beginning my three-month Sabbatical Leave, and in recognition of that I have been led to understand that the 10:00 service will include some sort of “send-off”. (Child Care will be available at the later service.)
At the writing of this MEMO, we are all keeping an eye on the path of hurricane Irene and its schedule and path. In the event that Sunday morning is in the midst of a very serious storm, I will make the necessary decisions about changes in our service schedule by 6:30 AM. At that point, I will send an email to all on our group list, as well as put a message on the church voice mail.
Hopefully, in a few days, we'll all be laughing that there was "much ado about nothing." But better prepared than sorry! Get those cell phones charged up, locate you flashlights and candles, fill vessels for drinking and wash water, and be sure that you have sufficient food and medications to see you through several days, in case we lose power. And let us keep all those affected by this huge storm in our prayers.
This is Rummage Sale Weekend!!! Friday, August 26: 5-7 and Saturday: 9-1. In addition there will be a number of craft and white-elephant booths outside on Saturday. If you’d like to help with “pack-up” at the end, please call Diane at 539-6134, or just show up around 12:30 and lend a hand.
Readings for Sunday: Exodus 3:1-15, Psalm 105, Romans 12:9-21, Matthew 16:21-28
A “signing off” from your rector:

First, just to let you know, the Thursday MEMO will continue in my absence thanks to Debra’s willingness, but it will be in a much simplified form. One of the joys of doing these weekly MEMOs has been the little responses I get during the week – both from year ‘round regulars, and from out-of-town affiliates. That opportunity for contact will have to wait until I return. However, if you happen to have a relevant photo, a prayer, or a brief quote or reflection, send it to Debra at office@standrewsinthevalley.org and she will try to work it in.
It will be a new experience for all of us for me to be away from the church for three months. I hope you will keep me in your prayers as I promise to keep you in mine, so we will continue to be present to each other through the power of the Spirit. Remember that these three months are an opportunity for you as well as for me. This church is blessed by strong and faithful lay leadership that includes each of you and your unique gifts. Enjoy. Listen. Learn. Love… And be faithful to God and each other in your worship together.
If we allow ourselves to be open to it, we will all be changed and made new in some way.
With blessings and much love,