August 11, 2011
Services for this coming Sunday, August 7th and the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, will be at 8 and 10 AM, with coffee hour following each service and child care provided at the later service. Do join us for worship and sociability. And check over your entry in the draft copy of the new Parish Directory
Our Kitchen update is on a roll!!! Plan to take a look at the progress on Sunday! Thanks this week go to Duane Dale and Vic DeGroot who are doing the necessary demolition and moving of appliances to make the new work possible! And to Debra Hoyt for power-cleaning under the old stove. Stay tuned for more changes next week as well. Temporary inconvenience. Permanent improvement!
And while you’re in the mood for admiring improvements, poke your head into the “Vesting Closet” by the coat rack and come into to the office and take a peek up the folding stairs to that attic. Debra has been hard at work creating order and setting things right. Thank you, Debra!
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: This summer’s offering by “Advice to the Players” is not to be missed! Three shows remain (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), each at 2PM on the Sandwich Fairgrounds Stage. A familiar member of the parish is one of many brilliant performers. But you will have to look very, very closely. The disguise is very good!
The Rummage Sale is fast approaching…August 26th and 27th! This coming Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, bring in those clothes you’ve been gathering together that you haven’t worn for a year. And spread the word. If you are able, sign up for a few hours of helping with set-up, selling, and clean-up. Many hands make like work!
In addition, if you would like to set up a craft or white-elephant booth of your own outside, please contact Debra in the office. We ask only a contribution from your sales ($10? 10%? 100%? It’s your choice.)
Reminder: Sunday, August 21st is CROP Walk Sunday! Will you be a walker? Will you be a sponsor? The proceeds from the Lakes Region Church World Service Walk are divided among international, national and local projects, with our Community Food Pantry and Dinner Bell receiving significant support.
Readings for Sunday: Genesis 45:1-15, Psalm 133, Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32, Matthew 15:21-28
Food for thought amidst the wild beauty of this season … from Mary Oliver
“The Lover of Earth Cannot Help Herself”
In summer, through the fields of wild mustard, then goldenrod,
I walk, brushing the wicks of their bodies and the bright hair
Of their heads – and in fact I lie down
That the little weightless pieces of gold
May float over me, shining in the air, falling in my hair, touching my face –
Ah, sweet-smelling, glossy and colorful world, I say,
Even as I begin to feel my left eye then the right eye begin to burn
And twitch and grow very large ––
Even as I begin to weep,
To sneeze in this irrepressible seizure of summertime love!
God's gifts and glory take many forms!
See you in church.