Services for this coming Sunday, November 13th, The Twenty Second Sunday after Pentecost, will be at 8 and 10 am with guest preacher, The Rev. Susan Ackley.
Following the 10 o’clock service will be an Outreach discussion led by Bob Seston to determine who will receive 2011 fundraiser monies.
Readings for this Sunday: Judges 4:1-7; Psalm 123;
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30
Last Sunday’s Service was enjoyed by all with guest priest, Rev. Gail Avery presiding. She shared her gratification for St. Andrew’s part in her ordination and her gift of the chasuble she was able to wear on All Saints’ Sunday.
We also enjoyed trumpet playing from Randy Ouellette.
Following the service was the Pledge Celebration Breakfast hosted by the Stewardship Committee. Reports were given by Sammie and Gretchen of pledges received.
(more pics below)
A November Book Group led by Lisa Thompson: praying for strangers will have their first discussion on Wed, November 16th at 10 am following the prayer service. A 2nd discussion will be offered that Wednesday evening at 7pm.
Thank you to all who have contributed to get us closer to our 2010 Deficit Reduction Goal of $7,860. (Special Gifts to Operating Budget).

We hope you will join us for a Saint Andrew's Harvest Supper and Pie Auction, to be held on Friday evening, November 18th. Tickets will be available at the door. Plan to come and invite your friends.! It is hoped that many of you will bake delicious pies (pies that can be frozen for Thanksgiving feasts are especially welcome) to be auctioned following the meal, beginning at about 7:30pm.
Note: Pies should be delivered on the day of the dinner/auction by 3 p.m.
Get Ready!
St. Andrew’s Holiday Fair Boughs & BonbonsSaturday, December 3rd – 9 AM – 1PM
We need your help with this last fundraising event of the year.
Here are the many ways how you can be a part of it:
· Make bows: It’s easy and fun and you can do it while watching TV! If you are interested, Elaine South or Judy Grace can give you some tips and supply you with ribbon.
· Decorate wreaths: Elaine and Judy will be at the church on Thursday, Dec. 1 from 9-noon to attach bows, pinecones, and other natural decorations.
· Bake cookies: Cookie plates are a big seller – it would be great if you could donate 4-5 dozen (because of food allergies, nothing that contains nuts or peanut butter, please). Cookies should be dropped off at the church on Thursday or Friday, Dec. 2 (by 9 am). Please tag the cookies with your name and a brief description of what you’ve made.
· Make candy: If you have a favorite, great. If not, some suggestions: peppermint bark or peanut brittle. We are all set with fudge.
· Bake bread or make preserves or relishes: Holiday breads such as cranberry or date nut are always popular. We have some jams/jellies/pickles etc. left from the Sandwich Fair but we could always use more. Please contact Carol Tubman to let her know what you’re contributing no later than Sunday, Nov. 27: 539-2780 or Please include size and ingredient info, as she is making signs and labels.
· Deliver posters: Holiday Fair posters will be available at the church on Sunday, November 13. They need to go to post offices, libraries, and other high traffic areas in Tamworth, Madison, Moultonboro, Sandwich, and Ossipee.
· Set up: The Parish Hall will be transformed into Holiday Fair headquarters on Friday, Dec. 2. Help is needed assembling cookie plates, setting up and decorating tables, and arranging gift items.
· Work at the Fair: A sign-up sheet for helpers will be in the church hall by Nov. 13.
Please contact co-chairs Lynne Clough (323-7046) or Patti Rau (367-8223) with questions or offers of help. Let’s make this Boughs & Bonbons the best ever!
ALL ARE WELCOME! To join a Service of Morning Prayer, every Wednesday at 9 AM, led by one of our three licensed worship leaders.
Happy Fall Blessings, Debra
Fri 11/11:
10a-noon Food CenterSat 11/12:
8pm AA & Al-Anon(PH,PR)Sun 11/13:
8 and 10am Holy EucharistOutreach Discussion to follow the 10am service.
5pm Dinner Bell: Cook team: Wakefield
Mon 11/14:
Church office closedTue 11/15:
6:30pm Evening Prayer
7pm Liturgy Committee
8pm AA (PH)
Wed 11/16:
9am Morning PrayerThu 11/17: Office will be closed
More pics from the Pledge Celebration Breakfast.