Services for this coming Sunday, February 23rd, The First Sunday in Lent will be two services at 8 and 10 AM, with coffee hour following both services
Readings for this Sunday: Genesis 9:8-17; Psalm 25:1-9; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15.
Readings for this Sunday: Genesis 9:8-17; Psalm 25:1-9; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15.
What a wonderful turnout for Shrove Tuesday’s Pancake Supper! The parish hall was filled with about 100 people enjoying pancakes and desserts. The cooks worked hard to keep up with the pancakes. The children, and some adults as well, had great fun participating with much enthusiasm in our First Annual Pancake Toss. Thanks to all who helped and provided desserts!

The children were also busy coloring in “Alleluias.” Since we don’t use the word “alleluia” during Lent, we had to hide the Alleluias… to keep us from saying it. [So an important note: If you should spot one of these colorful alleluias in the church during Lent, PLEASE leave it where it is hidden. We will have an Alleluia search on Easter morning!

Wine for our Eucharists: In the days of the early church, at each service the deacon would receive food contributions, primarily to be distributed to people in need, much as we bring Food Pantry contributions and place them in the basket. The actual bread and the wine for the eucharist would be selected from among those contributions – presumably selecting the most appropriate for use in the liturgy. We don’t do it quite that way, but the wine we use for communion is also a contribution, and actually it would still be very appropriate for it to be brought forward at the time of the offertory. So, now is an opportunity to provide the wine! We use Taylor tawny port. If you would like to contribute a bottle, either bring it directly to the sacristy or place it in the food basket and we will see to it that it goes to the sacristy. Many thanks!
We have realized at the Community Food Center that right now the food flying off our shelves and the food which always runs out of is DOG AND CAT FOOD! It seems some of our folks would feed their precious pets before themselves and that their beloved pets, their only companion day after day are skinny and hungry. We would like to add to our food pantry wish list a big wish right now for food for dogs and cats, not the high end stuff just regular cans or bags of cat or dog food. Maybe this could be one of our Lenten disciplines - to remember to bring not only food for people but food for their pets to our Sunday morning food basket. Many thanks to you. Peg Reinfuss, CFC Coordinator
Food for thought and prayer as we move into this Lenten season…
Ash Wednesday and the season that follows offer us the renewed invitation to repent of our sins – that which separates us from God – and promises that all who repent with sincere hearts will be pardoned and absolved. We often forget that it is not just in being forgiven, but also in forgiving others, that we are truly set free. As Brother Mark Brown puts it, “We get into some really tight places when we are trapped in unforgiveness. We use up a terrific amount of energy being unforgiving. Forgiving and being forgiven undo the shackles and set us free.” Think about it!
May this Lent open us to this astonishing freedom of both forgiving and being forgiven.
See you in church. With Blessings for a Holy Lent, Heidi+
the office at St. Andrew’s
Fri 2/24:
Food Center
Sat 2/25:
8pm AA & Al-Anon(PH,PR)
Sun 2/26:
8 & 10 AM
Holy Eucharist
5 PM Dinner Bell (Cook Team: Plender)
Mon 2/27 Church
office closed
7 pm Boy Scouts
Tue 2/28:
10am – noon
Food Center
8pm AA (PH)
Wed 2/29:
9 AM Morning
Thu 3/1: