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The Insulation for under the Parish Hall arrives! |
The Sandwich Early Music Consort enriches our Epiphany. |
A change in how we handle Altar Flowers: In an effort to keep our 2013 parish budget appropriately “trimmed,” the Finance Committee and the Vestry have decided not to provide money in the budget for Sunday altar flowers, but rather to be fully dependent on altar flowers by contribution. What this means is that if no one has signed up to offer flowers (either by making a contribution and having the office order them, or by actually providing the flowers) we will not have purchased flowers. We have been very successful at providing our own flowers from May into October; we always have simple greens during Advent and poinsettias (thanks to your contributions) during Christmas and early Epiphany; by choice we have bare branches during Lent and potted flowers (again, thanks to you) for much of Eastertide. That still leaves about 12 unclaimed Sundays.
Flowers enrich the beauty of our sanctuary and the special intentions add richness to our corporate prayer as we remember departed loved ones and honor special celebrations and thanksgivings. If you would like to provide flowers directly, please make use of the sign-up chart on the door of the Parish Hall closet, and let the office know your plans and details. If you would like to have the office order flowers ($25), please sign up on the chart, fill out an envelop with the memorial or thanksgiving information and your contribution, and leave that on Debra’s desk in the office.
Mission and Outreach conversation. |
In making the recommendations, priority is given to organizations and projects with which members of the parish are actively involved, with a particular focus of support to children, food, and health. Another gathering will be held in the near future when we look ahead to 2013 and 2014, so stay tuned. Thank you to all whose generosity of time, talent, and treasure has made this giving possible. This is one significant way in which we as a parish reach out beyond our own walls as the heart and hands of Christ in the world.
Agape Ministries … $250
Community Food Center … $300
Tamworth Community Nurse Assoc … $300
Tamworth Caregivers … $218.75
Ossipee Concerned Citizens … $168.75
Starting Point … $84.35
NH Community Load Fund … $125
Conway ALC Support (NAMI) … $50
CASA of NH …$100
Bearcamp Valley School …$275
Ossipee Children’s Fund …$259.40
TCCP … $300
Child Advocacy of Carroll county … $50
KEAP (Kenyan Education and Aids Project) … $100
Seafarer’s Friend … $250
Episcopal Relief and Development …$250
Pilgrim Center for Reconciliation … $50
TOTAL $3,131.25
The Rt. Rev. Rob Hirschfeld was officially installed as our Diocesan Bishop on Saturday, January 5 at Saint Paul's Church, Concord.
Bishop Rob knocks at the door of the church. |
The questioning, by Bp. Stephen Lane of the Diocese of Maine. |
Judith Esmay, Canon for Lay Ministry, preached. |
Bp.Rob greets his flock; newly retired Bp. Gene with former diocesan bishop Doug Theuner, offer their enthusiastic support. |
Bishop Rob blesses the people. |
Save the date reminders...
Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled for Sunday February 3, following a 9 AM service and brunch. All are welcome. If you would like to be a voting member, please talk to Rev. Heidi and she would be pleased to explain the (very simple) process of transferring your membership to Saint Andrew's.
Our biennial Episcopal Visit, the first by our new bishop, will take place on Sunday, February 10. On that day we will have ONE service only, at 10AM.
Food for thought and reflection in this Epiphany season:
The Kingdom is a gift, and is to be received with delight and anticipation.
May we all be participants in the receiving of the Kingdom and in making it manifest to the world.
See you in church!
Blessings, Heidi+