Services this coming Sunday, June 30th and the Sixth Sunday
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Photo by Connor |
Readings for this Sunday: 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14; Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20; Galatians 5:1, 13-25; Luke 9:51-62.
A reminder from the Communications Committee… We want to hear from you. Please complete the questionnaire that was included in the summer Mountain Top. An electronic version is also being sent to email users under separate cover. Feel free to include your name, although that’s not a requirement. Thanks to those of you who have responded. Paper copies may be put in the folder on the counter in the office.
Thank you to all who made last Sunday’s All-Parish Picnic such a wonderful success! 62 of

Special thanks to the Vestry for their work in organizing the day,
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Photo by Connor |
A few dishes need to be reclaimed and are near the kitchen.
See below for our gallery of “Picnic Pix.”
To Ginger Heard for two excellent books by Richard Foster donated to our library – Celebration of Discipline: the Path to Spiritual Growth and Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home.
To Duane Dale for installing the new entry floor to the Parish Hall.
To Elizabeth for providing gorgeous hostas for the gardens behind the offices.
To David, for some heroic lawn-mowing in this lush growing season.
Sign up for book discussions of People of the Way: Renewing Episcopal Identity! Lots of you have been reading it. Now let's engage with it. Sign-up sheets on the easel in the Parish Hall.
Wednesday mornings, July 17, 24, and 31 from 10:15 to 11:30
Wednesday evening conversations with supper from 5:30 to 7 (Express your date preferences)
After church on two or three Sundays, at 11:30 (Express your date preferences)
Interested in going to Church Island (in Squam Lake) on July 14 when Rev. Heidi will be preaching there? Call or Email George Rau ASAP to reserve your place on the boat. [367-8223, or]
A letter to the parish from Tom Reinfuss:
Dear People of St. Andrew’s,
A couple of weeks ago, Heidi mentioned that you may not be seeing much of me around St. Andrew’s.
I would like to explain why. Sunday, June 23rd, I, and two others from NH, met at the convent of St. Anne-Bethany in Arlington MA with other vocational diaconate postulants from the diocese of Massachusetts. At that meeting we were given an outline of our three year program and told what we were expected to do, some things more immediate than others. One of the items discussed was our present parish life. We are expected to start visiting other parishes and to disengage ourselves from our home parish. That does not mean that I will never be at St. Andrew’s again, but it does mean that I will not be serving at the altar, serving on any committees, leading Morning Prayer or helping to make decisions at St. Andrew’s. As one of our leaders said, “This is not a divorce, but a separation.”
I want to assure you that I consider myself a representative of this parish. It is you who have set me on this course. When I am ordained a Vocational Deacon it will be because you. This parish, raised me up, encouraged me, and supported me unconditionally.
I ask that you continue to pray for me and support me as you always have. You will all be in my prayers.
I will send out updates on my progress as I go forward.
So thank you and please do not feel that I have abandoned you, I am carrying your banner.
Tom Reinfuss
Food for thought from Br. Curtis Almquist, SSJE as we continue to reflect on what it means to be Christian Community together…
The early desert monastics learned what is repeated again and again in the wisdom literature of the Scriptures: you cannot do it alone. Left alone, to our own devices, cleverness, and calculations, we are incredibly vulnerable to self-deception.
See you in church!
Blessings, Heidi+