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The bells of St. Andrew's |
Sunday’s eucharist will be offered to the glory of God in
thanksgiving for the life of Roy Grace. Roy died last December and at that time
a congregation of over 400 family, friends and, colleagues celebrated his life
with a the Burial Office. Since September 30 is the anniversary of his birth,
it will an appropriate time to celebrate this eucharist in his memory.
Readings for this
Sunday: Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15; Psalm 91:1-6,
14-16; 1 Timothy 6:6-19; Luke 16:19-31.
The Blessing of the Animals! Next Sunday, the first Sunday of
October, we will have ONE service only at 9
AM. In honor of the Feast Day of Saint Francis, your feathered, furry, or
finned friends are invited to join you for church and a special blessing!
(Please: Dogs on leashes, cats caged. Any large animals wanting a blessing
should come to the front lawn at 10:45.) The transept will be reserved as a
non-animal area for humans with sensitivities to fur. Do spread the word with
your friends -- human and otherwise :-)
The success of our
booth at the Sandwich Fair depends on what
we sell and sufficient staffing
of our booth. The signup list for booth-tenders is near the kitchen door in the
Parish Hall. Please help out. We're counting on you. If you are willing to bake
or do jams and jellies, see Carol Tubman or Lynne Clough. (See below for
preparation details.)
The Rector's
Discretionary Fund, the source of assistance that we provide to people in
deep financial need, is in need of replenishment. If you are able, please make
a contribution, designating such on the memo line of a check or using a
Discretionary Fund envelope. Thank you.
There is a Service of
Morning Prayer every Wednesday at 9 AM. We hope you will join us for
worship and fellowship.
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Two happy Families! |
A new parish directory is in the works!!! Please check with Duane
for a new picture or if you happen to have a favorite “head shot” of your own,
you are welcome to email your picture to Debra in the office
(office@standrewsinthevalley.org). Even if we have your picture from a previous
directory, maybe it’s time to update it? Thanks.
The Lakes Region Convocation will be meeting here on
Tuesday, October
1st. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear about the resolutions
for our Diocesan Convention in November, so consider yourself invited! As
host parish, we are the providers of refreshments for the evening. If you can
lend a hand with refreshments and radical hospitality, please talk to Bruce
Kennedy, our Senior Delegate.
are continuing for the Sandwich Fair – October 12-14. If you can make jams and jellies- great! Also looking for donated baked goods for the
fair in addition to preserves, specifically: small-sized quick breads, whoopie
pies, and cookies. These are preferable
and seem to be more what fairgoers want over full-sized pies (but we definitely
will want those for the pie auction!) and cakes. Contributors need to contact
Carol Tubman at cctubman@msn.com about
preserves that they are making or Lynne Clough at littlefarm239@roadrunner.com
about baked goods. Lynne has collected
many recipes for different types of whoopie pies and is happy to share
them. The standard chocolate with
vanilla cream filling did not sell as well as the fall-flavored ones, such as
pumpkin and gingerbread. Carol will be
preparing labels for all food products, so she will need to be e-mailed a list
of ingredients and quantities of whatever will be contributed.
Food Pantry Donations: We are a low on some foods and on
miscellaneous “non-food” items. If you have a chance to add to our Sunday food
basket or drop items off during church open hours, it would be greatly
appreciated. Suggestions: Mac n’ cheese,
spaghetti sauce, instant coffee, shampoo, dish soap, evaporated milk, elbow
macaroni. Thank you. Peg R.
Food for thought
… continuing from last Sunday’s sermon:
We had two lively discussion last Sunday about the Parable of the Dishonest Manager¸ (Luke 16:1-13), a perplexing passage for many. If you are interested in pursuing it further, you might be interested in this conversation on Episcopal CafĂ© with comments from clergy and lay people from across the church. It can be disorienting, and even upsetting, when scripture passages are difficult to understand. Sometimes we truly need to be part of a praying and interpreting community to discover the life-giving word – and even then, we may need to wrestle together! Never hesitate to ask if you feel stymied. Remember, we are all together on this journey in Christ. http://www.episcopalcafe.com/lead/ethics/the_parable_of_the_dishonest_m.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+episcopalcafe+%28Episcopal+Cafe%29
See you in church this Sunday as we celebrate the
dynamic life of our parish with Tom and Peg’s send-off and our upholding of
Judy and Larry.
Heidi +