Altar flowers were given in loving memory of Fred Jones and William Rooks |
Heidi and Duane will be in California on retreat for a week
with their son at his monastery. If you are in need of pastoral care or have
important questions, please call the office (323-8515) and leave a message, or
contact senior warden Carol Tubman (615-8230).
A message from your
Stewardship Committee: Thanks to the many people who have responded by
turning in pledges for the coming year! It is only by knowing what the church
can expect to receive that the Finance Committee and Vestry are able to make
budgetary decisions for 2014. If you have misplaced your pledge, additional
cards are available on the piano. Completed pledge cards may be put in the
offering plate on Sunday or mailed to the church office. Once you have turned
yours in, be sure to open your “door” on
our Grounded in Giving tree on
the piano … and if you’ve forgotten your number, or if you find that yours has
been opened already, just open any door, folding it back firmly, so the picture
can be seen. Questions? Talk to Gretchen or Lisa (or Debra in the office).
Our final Ingathering
Celebration will be on Sunday, November 24th, at which time all
the pledges will be offered to God in Thanksgiving during the liturgy.
Plan to join us for a Saint Andrew's Harvest Supper and Pie Auction,
to be held on Friday evening, November 22nd.
Tickets will be available at the door. Plan to come and invite your friends! We
are hoping that many of you will provide your delicious baked pies (pies that
can be frozen for Thanksgiving feasts are especially welcome) to be auctioned
following the meal, beginning at about 7:30pm.
Pies should be delivered on the day of the dinner/auction by 3 p.m.
Thank you to Sammie for organizing the inspiring visit last Sunday
from her friend and colleague Tamara Kittleson-Aldred of Eleanore’s Project. The audio of Tamara’s sermon will be available
next week. Meanwhile, enjoy the pictures as a number of us had a chance to
explore wheelchair use … land to realize the enormous skill required!!!

We need your help with this last fundraising event of the year.
We would like to put cookies in tins this year. If you have any
holiday tins that you could donate, it would be appreciated. They should be big
enough to hold about a dozen cookies. We
also need volunteers to help….
· Make bows: Monday, Nov 25th at 6:30 pm
· Decorate wreaths: Thursday, Dec. 5th at 9am
· Bake cookies
· Make candy
· Bake bread or make jams, conserves, dessert sauces, etc.
· Deliver posters
· Set up and clean up
· Work at the fair
contact co-chairs Lynne Clough (323-7046) or Patti Rau (367-8223) with
questions or offers of help. Let’s make
this Boughs & Bonbons a continued success!
Food for thought: A
reflection on giving thanks
from The Very Rev. Sam Candler, Cathedral of St. Phillip, Atlanta, Georgia…
…Maybe this is what
it’s like to be close to the Kingdom of God, where all is made new: When I
realize how much I do not need, I am that much freer to acknowledge the simple
wonders God has for me right now – the simple gifts like love, and family,
friends, the church, and community.from The Very Rev. Sam Candler, Cathedral of St. Phillip, Atlanta, Georgia…
Maybe this is what real thanksgiving feels like: Thanksgiving is freedom from the unnecessary clutter of our lives – freedom from what we do not need, so that we can see anew the simple gifts God has for each of us.
Have a good week. You
will be in my thoughts and prayers as I sit by my tent in the avocado grove.
Blessings, Heidi+