Services for this
coming Sunday, December 22nd, Advent IV: Come join us all of us as we prepare and celebrate together. We will have only
ONE service – at 10 o’clock (No 8:00 liturgy.) This will be our Greening
of the Church, at which the participatory decorating of the church for
Christmas will be accomplished liturgically by all of us together over the
course of the liturgy, such that we begin amidst the deep blue of Advent, and
depart leaving our sanctuary rich with laurel roping, poinsettias, and the
white and gold of Christmas.
Last Sunday’s snow storm was a reminder about winter weather. The
minuses: we cancelled both morning services and the temps really were minuses. The pluses: A shimmering
evening eucharist with a capella singing and lots of candle light. If the weather is doubtful and you wonder weather services will be cancelled or postponed, call the church for message. An email will also be sent out by 6:30 AM on Sundays or by two hours in advance of any Christmas service.
Don’t miss the Kings College Service of Lessons and Carols
broadcast at 10 AM on Christmas Eve. Click
here for a downloadable service booklet with text and information about
the carols:
To listen, tune in to NHPR radio (99.5 or 89.1) at 10 AM on Christmas Eve morning, with a Christmas Day rebroadcast at 8 PM.
It’s that time of year…that is YEAR END! Help our bookkeeper
and our treasurer by submitting expenses and completing pledges.
And mark your calendars: Our Annual
Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 2nd, following our ONE service at
9:00 AM. Debra will be looking for your Annual Reports as soon as you can get
them to her, final due date being January 15th.
Please don’t wait until the last
minute. Send them via email to the office or drop off a hard copy to her
If you need a copy of last year’s report, please
send your request to her and she can either email it to you or provide a hard
Food for thought in
these last days before Christmas. The
words and music of this carol are what the scholars call “English
traditional,” meaning many centuries old, probably dating back to medieval
times. It is not in our Hymnal, though you may know it from the opening section
of the Fantasia on Christmas Carols,
by Vaughan Williams…
To listen click here
To listen click here
This is the truth sent
from above
The truth of God, the God of love:
Therefore don’t turn me from your door
But hearken all, both rich and poor.
The first thing that I
do relateThe truth of God, the God of love:
Therefore don’t turn me from your door
But hearken all, both rich and poor.
Is that God did man create,
The next thing which to you I’ll tell
Woman was made with man to dwell.
And after that, ‘twas
God’s own choice
To place them both in Paradise,
There to remain of evil free,
Except they ate of such a tree.
But they did eat,
which was a sin,To place them both in Paradise,
There to remain of evil free,
Except they ate of such a tree.
And so their ruin did begin,
Ruined themselves, both you and me,
And all of their posterity.
Thus we were heirs of
endless woes
Till God our Lord did interpose,
And so a promise soon did run
That He would redeem us by a Son.
And at that season of
the yearTill God our Lord did interpose,
And so a promise soon did run
That He would redeem us by a Son.
Our blessed redeemer did appear,
He here did live and here did preach,
And many thousands he did teach.
Thus he in love to us
To show us how we must be saved;
And if you want to know the way,
Be pleased to hear what He did say.
See you in church!To show us how we must be saved;
And if you want to know the way,
Be pleased to hear what He did say.
Christmas Blessings to all!
Celebrate Christmas at
Saint Andrew’s-in-the-valley
All are Welcome!
22 Fourth Sunday of Advent
10 am
Service of Holy Eucharist and the Greening of theChurch for Christmas
(No 8 am service)
24, Christmas Eve Candlelight Services:
Service with Organ and Choir
4:45 pm Carol Sing5:00 pm Blessing of the Créche & Holy Eucharist
Service with Organ and Choir
pm Carol Sing11:00 pm Festival Eucharist
25, Christmas Day 11:30 am Holy Eucharist
The First Sunday after Christmas
8:00 am
Service of Morning Prayer10:00 am A Service of Lessons & Carols
5, The Second Sunday after Christmas
and Celebration of the Epiphany
9 am Service of Holy Eucharist and Celebration of the Epiphany

Christmas Day, Wednesday, Dec 25,
Gather at 12:30 - Dinner served at 1:00 pm
For reservations: call the church at 323-8515