Services for this
coming Sunday, January 11th, the First Sunday
after the Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord, will be at 8 and 10 a.m. with
coffee hour following both services.
Readings for this Sunday: Isaiah 42:1-9, Psalm 29, Acts 34-43, Matthew 3:13-17.
Coffee Hour Hosts are needed: Please check the signup sheet in the Parish Hall for dates that need to be filled for after the 8am and 10 am services. There are people who will gladly show you the ropes if you have never hosted.
ALL ARE WELCOME every Wednesday at 9 AM, for a service of Morning Prayer held in the church led by one of our three licensed worship leaders.
Plan to attend the Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, February 2nd. We will have an All Parish Brunch immediately following the single 9 a.m. morning service, with the Annual Meeting beginning at approximately 11 a.m. Debra will be looking for Annual Reports from committee chairs as soon as you can get them to her, final due date being this coming Wednesday, January 15th. Please don’t wait until the last minute. Send them via email to the office or drop off a hard copy to her in-box.
If you need a
copy of last year’s report, please send your request to her and she can either
email it to you or provide a hard copy.
Also please check the posted list of
members eligible to vote. If your name is not there and you would like to be
voting member of St. Andrew’s, please talk to Rev. Heidi.
St. Andrew's in the Valley 3rd Annual Murder Mystery Dinner will be held on Valentine’s Day, Friday, February 14th, 2014: "Death by Chocolate"! Anyone interested in having a role in the production, whether it be as an actor, props, food preparation and/or serving, please join us for a brief gathering after the 10 a.m. service this Sunday, January 12th, for more information. If you are unable to be there on Sunday but have an interest in participating, please contact Chris Mills by email at or phone at 603-452-4049.
St. Andrew’s hosts Boy Scout troop 151; on Sunday troop member Lucas Brown was presented as an Eagle Scout, the highest honor in Boy Scouting. A description of Lucas’s project – the development of a hiking trail off of Depot Road – is posted on our bulletin board. Rev. Heidi offered the invocation and benediction. Here he receives his Eagle Scout pin from his mother.
Winter Weather Advisory!!! Please keep in mind during the winter when the weather looks questionable for safe travel to call the church before you leave home to check for schedule changes. If a storm comes in on Saturday evening or Sunday, I will make a judgment by 6:30 AM about whether to hold, cancel, or delay services. I will also send an email out to you if you have provided me with your email address. PLEASE do not travel if it feels unsafe to you. Enjoy a Sabbath morning at home and remember St. Andrew’s in your prayers.
Food for thought on living in community:
While we as a congregation in a parish church are not a 24/7 residential community in the way that the monks of the society of St. John the Evangelist are, nevertheless we are a community. Consider the following if/when you find yourself feeling judgmental of another:
While we as a congregation in a parish church are not a 24/7 residential community in the way that the monks of the society of St. John the Evangelist are, nevertheless we are a community. Consider the following if/when you find yourself feeling judgmental of another:
Br. Curtis Almquist, SSJE, writes… Richard Meux Benson
[founder of their order] spoke not just of living around another person but
living in another person. The person whom you may be quick to discount or
disown or reject: you are this person. This person who gets under your skin
belongs there. This is the healing of our judgmental faculties to see ourselves
in the face and form of the other, to come to love them as we love ourselves.
See you in church!