for this coming Sunday, August 24th, the Eleventh Sunday
after Pentecost, will be at 8 and 10 am. We hope you will join us for worship
and fellowship.
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A fabric artist's rendition of Joseph's coat |
whole summer season we have been engaged in the great saga from Genesis of the
patriarchs and their wives – the story of Abraham and Sarah, and Isaac and
Rebekah. Then we really zeroed in on their sons, Esau and Jacob, following closely
on Jacob’s life with his two wives, Leah and Rachel, and their twelve sons. Two
weeks ago our focus moved to Joseph (of “coat-of-many-colors” fame), Jacob’s
first son by Rachel, who was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers, only
to rise to a position of power in Egypt and to re-encounter his family when
they arrived in Egypt for assistance in a time of famine. To the astonishment
of Joseph and perhaps even greater astonishment of his brothers and their aged
father, Jacob, the family is re-united. Joseph provides the aid and welcome
they need. Last Sunday’s reading ended with Genesis 45:15.
But that is not the end of the story!!! And if you
have been gripped by this saga, as many of us have been, you might want to pull
out your Bible before Sunday, picking
up at Genesis 45:16 and continuing through chapter 50, the end of Genesis, to
reach the conclusion of the story with the death of our friend Jacob.
We are about to begin the Book of Exodus, with which
we will stay through October. This Sunday’s portion begins “Now a new king
arose over Egypt who knew not Joseph.” The stage is set for the birth of
Moses!!! Every third year, we have this opportunity to reacquaint ourselves
with this section of scripture that is so fundamental to the Jewish people and
is the foundation on which Christianity came to be.
readings for this Sunday are Exodus 1:8-2:10, Psalm 124, Romans 2:1-8, Matthew 16:13-20.
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Chris and Cathie gather squashes |
How great the harvest is. . .
Preparations are underway for our booth at the Sandwich Fair (October 11-13)!!! Gretchen has been teaming up with Almighty God, growing dozens and dozens of gourds, squash, and pumpkins, the Annual Harvest Gathering Party for which is scheduled for Saturday, September 6, meeting at Gretchen and Karl’s house at 9 AM so that we can all go into the field to harvest together. At noon we will gather for a pot-luck meal together at their house. Please mark you calendar for two weeks from Saturday, and plan to come! No special skills required.
Preparations are underway for our booth at the Sandwich Fair (October 11-13)!!! Gretchen has been teaming up with Almighty God, growing dozens and dozens of gourds, squash, and pumpkins, the Annual Harvest Gathering Party for which is scheduled for Saturday, September 6, meeting at Gretchen and Karl’s house at 9 AM so that we can all go into the field to harvest together. At noon we will gather for a pot-luck meal together at their house. Please mark you calendar for two weeks from Saturday, and plan to come! No special skills required.
Calling all lovers of homemade
jams, jellies, pickles, etc.
Sandwich Fair is coming up the second weekend of October. Anyone who wishes to
create their own delicacies for sale, please contact David, Gretchen, Chris or
Carol with questions and requests for labels. For all who love to consume
homemade canned goods, consider saving you empty jars for re-use by one of us.
Also, if you frequent yard sales and happen to see 8 or 16oz canning jars, grab
them. (New jars run from $8-$12/case of twelve) We will reimburse you.

Lakes Region Convocation (the association of Episcopal
Churches in this region of the state) will
be meeting here at Saint Andrew’s on Tuesday, September 2nd at 7 pm.
This will be preceded by a half hour of social time. The Episcopal Church
is a participatory democracy, with delegates from each parish. If you are
interested in what’s going on in the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New
Hampshire, or if you would like to be part of our ministry of hospitality that
evening (we provide the refreshment), please speak to Carol Tubman or Gretchen
Behr-Svendsen, our wardens. Or feel free just to come and see!
There will NOT be a
rummage sale this year.
The committee is taking a break from this event for this year. If you planned
to donate items for this year, our friends at Agape Ministries will gladly
accept your donations or spread them out and drop off at other various
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Mount Chocorua |
Eternity is not infinity.
It is not a long time.
It does not begin at the end of time.
In its entirety it always was.
In its entirety it will always be.
It is entirely present always.
Eternity is not infinity.
It is not a long time.
It does not begin at the end of time.
In its entirety it always was.
In its entirety it will always be.
It is entirely present always.
See you in church!
Summer blessings,