Don’t miss the photo gallery below!
This coming Sunday, October 19th, the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost, there will be
two services of Holy Eucharist – at 8am and 10am.
plan on lending a helping hand with our Fall Workday this
Sunday after the 10 am service. Dress to
work outdoors and bring along rakes, gloves, and other tools you may need. Your
help to get the church ready and buttoned up for winter is needed and
The readings for this Sunday are Exodus 33:12-23, Psalm 99, 1 Thessalonians
1:1-10, Matthew 22:15-22.
Weaving Generosity into our Life: Our Fall Pledge season is rolling as
we weave generosity into our lives in so many ways! Thank you to those of you
who have already turned in your pledge card and taken the opportunity to weave
their strands into our growing banner. As soon as you have turned in a pledge
card, each member of your family is invited to add to the weaving. A basket of
possibilities is provided, but feel free to bring a fabric strip or ribbon of
your own. And mark your calendars for two weeks from this coming Sunday, when
we will all gather for one service at 9 o’clock for the in-gathering of our
pledges, followed by a festive breakfast hosted by the Stewardship Committee.
Our learning and conversations of Embracing an Alternative Orthodoxy, a study series, with DVD presentations
by Richard Rohr continues next week on
October 22, at 11 am in the Prince Room. The session #3 topic is “The
Cosmic Christ.” [See the Food for Thought
section at the end for the reflection questions to be pondered in advance of
next week’s session.] If you missed yesterday’s session on Eco-spirituality and
would like to view the DVD on your own, please speak to Heidi. Session 4,
Orthodoxy vs. Orthopraxy, will meet on October 29.
a FABULOUS booth we had at the Sandwich Fair! Thanks to all of you: To David, organizer-in-chief, to all who staffed our booth, to jelly-makers
Carol and Gretchen, to all the bakers, and crafters, Duane for our wonderful
new (weather-proof), St. Andrew’s banner, and to Gretchen, grower
extraordinaire and the visionary who conceived of the whole idea that we might
have a booth at the Sandwich Fair! The event was wonderfully successful as a
fundraiser (We grossed over $3,000), but equally important was the contagious
spirit of joy and delight in the fruits of the earth and the opportunity to be
collaboratively creative!

there names you would like to have remembered at the altar during our All
Saints’ Day service on November 2nd? Please take one of the
sheets for that purpose from the bulletin table or send an email to Debra at
. The sheets can be put in the plate or the office. All names will be recorded in our “Book of
Food for thought in preparation for next week’s Wednesday session on The Cosmic Christ…
- Take
a blank piece of paper and draw on it two large intersection circles. In
one circle write Jesus and in
the other Christ. In each circle
write the words and phrases that you associate with each word. In the area
where the two circles intersect, write words and phrases that you see the
two words holding in common.
- Our
church recognizes the seasons of the church year: Advent, Christmas,
Epiphany, Lent, Easter, the Season after Pentecost (the long, green
season, sometimes called “ordinary time”). Right now we are approaching
the end of the season after Pentecost. How does living in each particular
season color your relationship with the Christ who permeates all creation?
- In
this session Richard Rohr will call our attention to the five passages of
scripture which the first Franciscans emphasized as they lived into the
understanding that Christ existed from the beginning of creation:
Colossians 1, Ephesians 1, John 1:1-18, 1 John 1, Hebrews 1. Read one or
several of these passages, appreciating them as expressions of the
materialization of God in the first incarnation billions of years ago at
the big bang.
- In
our Hymnal, find the section containing hymns of the theme Jesus Christ our Lord (434–499).
Scan the selections there, finding lines that appeal to you as you reflect
on the significance of those two names. Notice ways that hymn writers have
their own distinctive – and sometimes contradictory – theologies woven
into their lyrics.
- If
the Christ mystery has been present in the creation from the beginning,
then it has been accessed by an incredible diversity of humans over
hundreds of thousands of years. As Christians our identity is shaped by
the particular manifestation of Christ consciousness 2000 years ago in
Jesus. What do you claim as a follower of Jesus Christ?
(Questions taken from the Guide Book to the study series Embracing an Alternative Orthodoxy, by Richard Rohr with Tim Scorer,Morehouse EducationResources, 2014.)
See you in church!
St. Andrews-in-the-Valley, P.O. Box 436, Tamworth, NH 03886
Office hours: Tuesday-Friday 9-Noon
Phone: 603-323-8515
Office Administrator: Debra Hoyt
Office hours: Tuesday-Friday 9-Noon
Phone: 603-323-8515
Office Administrator: Debra Hoyt
Weaving Generosity