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Wednesday holy fire for the burning of the palms. Special thanks to fire-tenders Jim, Tim, and Sarah, and to Preston, crucifer. |
Readings for Sunday: Genesis 9:8--17, Psalm 25:1-9, 1 Peter 3:18-22, Mark 1:9-15
are you
for Lent?
Don’t miss our Lenten Quiet Day on Saturday, February 28: "Keeping Lent with the Church's Hymnody: Hymns, Quiet, Reflection, and Prayer for our Lenten Journey," led by the Rev. Ellie McLaughlin. If you’d like, bring a favorite Lenten hymn. Please join us for a rich and encouraging exploration. We will gather at 9:00 in the Prince Room and close with a eucharist and a simple soup lunch. This mini-retreat is open to all, with an invitation extended to the other churches in the Lakes Region Convocation. [Please note: This is for everyone – singers and non-singers alike.] To register call the church office or send an email to frantzdale@gmail.com by next Thursday, Feb. 26. Questions? The Rev. Ellie McLaughlin at 603-915-0051; revmchess@gmail.com Don’t miss the Food for thought poem below.
Wednesday Lenten Simple Suppers resume this week, March 25th. We will gather at 5:30 and eat at 5:45 – soup, salad and fresh bread. Each week is self-contained, so come to one or more. We will share a simple supper, eaten in silence while we listen to a reading that explores some aspect of holy living in the context of our regular lives. This week: How do we talk to others about our experience of church? That will be followed by open conversation reflecting on the passage. We will close with a simple table Eucharist. Sign-up sheet for food contributors is posted in the Parish Hall.
Subscribe by email to the daily offerings from the Brothers at the Society of St. John the Evangelist: It’s time to …Stop, Pray, Work, Play, & Love. [www.SSJE.org/time]
Pick up an ERD (Episcopal Relief and Development) booklet of daily reflections.
Or a Journey through Lent 2014 poster, with daily activities for folks of all ages.

Last Sunday we were snowed out in the morning, but a lively, happy congregation of 25 gathered at 4 o'clock as we wrapped up Epiphany-tide and reflected on the Gospel account of the Transfiguration. While it’s a bit difficult to discern in the photo, the late afternoon sun shining through our magnificent icicles, focused directly on the image of Jesus “in raiment white and glistering” in the icon of the Transfiguration placed in front of the lectern.

Thanks to George Rau and his team of guys – George (& Grete) Plender, Tom and Tim Huckman, and Bruce Kennedy – for cooking up our Shrove Tuesday pancakes and sausages; to the Bootys and the Souths for contributing their home-grown maple syrup; and to the Frantz-Dales and Raus for homemade applesauce. Parish and community members welcomed an opportunity for fun and social meal-sharing in the midst of a snowy week, and our young people shared their enthusiasm for tattoos and pancake tossing! Don’t miss more pictures below!
Food for thought – a poem by Ellie McLaughlin in anticipation of our upcoming Quiet Day…
Gifts of
the Spirit,
Church’s Tradition in words and music
to nourish,
to bring
to direct hearts, mind, and will.
This time
of reflection
by which
we draw closer to God.
participate with Jesus in the Lenten Journey.
We open
our lives wholly to the Lord —
the deadness in our lives as a result of things
done and
left undone.
Yet, by
Grace we open ourselves to the Hope:
the Joy of Resurrection
Risen Lord by the Spirit,
our selves, our
communities, our world.
In the
silence all is gathered into prayer –
our own
desires and our thanks
supported by the Church’s
prayer and hymns of praise.
Why Hymns?
music and poetry,
windows of meaning.
and images,
visual and aural,
not only
to mind
but to imagination –
a Highway
to the Heart,
where we
welcome the embrace,
of the
“again-making” of God.
Blessings as we walk our Lenten Journey together toward the Easter light,
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Picture Gallery
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You can't say we don't have fun here at Saint Andrew's! |