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The Church under repair- more photos below |
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Palm Sunday 2012 |
coming Sunday, the 29th of March and PALM SUNDAY, we will have ONE service only
at 10 AM. This should be our last
service in the Parish Hall until after Easter. Thank you for your flexibility
and faithfulness as we proceed with repairs.
Readings for
this Sunday: Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16, Philippians 2:5-11, The Passion Gospel
Mark 14:32-72, 15:1-47.
Flower contributions: Surprise
someone you love, by honoring them! Give thanks for some significant happening
with a gift in thanksgiving! Remember a loved one who has died … recently or
long ago! Envelopes for contributions for our Easter flowers are on the table
under the bulletin board and in the office. Please make your gift by Noon on
Tuesday so that names can appear in the Easter bulletin.
Next Thursday will be
cleaning day in the Sanctuary after
the contractors leave on Wednesday. Debra will be ready at 8am with a job list
and supplies. She is looking for volunteers to help get the Church ready for
Holy week and Easter services. Please email or call the office to let her know
you can help. Thank you.
On the evening of Wednesday of Holy Week
(April 1st) you are invited to gather promptly at 7 o'clock in the Prince
Room – evocatively transformed into a place of mystery – for a shared reading
of the Gospel According to Mark. Mark is the gospel we are primarily hearing
from this year and it is the shortest of the gospels, told in straightforward,
down-to-earth language. We will read it aloud from start to finish, taking
turns around the circle. This offers us a very different perspective on it as a
complete story, taking a little more than an hour and a quarter to complete. We
did this a number of years ago, and it is back by popular request. See
below for Holy Week Schedule.
Maundy Thursday (April 2nd) recalls the Institution
of our Lord’s Supper and Jesus’ great commandment to love one another as he as
loved us. It’s likely that we will be in the Prince Room for this liturgy (7 pm
Thursday), but in many ways a domestic environment is actually in keeping with
that first Eucharist, which was around a family table, not in a church! Join us
in this deeply tender and loving liturgy of Holy Week as we continue our
journey toward Easter.
Good Friday (April 3rd): We
expect to be back in the church for our Good Friday gatherings: From noon to 2
pm you are invited to enter and depart as meets the needs of your schedule for
this time of quiet reflection that focuses on the Seven Last’s Words of Jesus
from the cross, interspersed with Psalms and silence. At 2 o’clock we will walk
(and pray) the Way of the Cross (also known as the Stations of the Cross).
Coming to the Easter Vigil? Following the vigil
readings, the turning point of the liturgy comes at the moment of the Easter
acclamation, which is accompanied by much jubilant and raucous bell-ringing. So
please bring your bells so that you can join in the excitement!
Sanctuary update! Well, one picture is worth a thousand words …
and we have provided you with several! This has been an amazing week, with
great thanks going to Duane (for his organizing), Larry Klein (for his support
and counsel on decision-making), Ron Roof (and his team of plasterers), Gus
Dascoulis (our electrician), the guys from Superior Insulation, and the Church
Insurance Company. The plaster-fall appears to have been a blessing in
disguise; no one was hurt, but it revealed a number of accidents waiting to
happen. The problems and potential problems are rapidly being taken care of (new
wiring and new plaster where needed). And while all of this is taking place, we
decided to go ahead and have insulation put in. So the church is a MESS at the
moment, but we expect to be back in to celebrate most of Holy Week and Easter!
Then the work will resume after Easter.
2015 Lay
Leadership Institute Saturday, May 9th. It is now time to get ready for
this annual diocesan event on
Saturday, May 9, 2015 at the Rundlett Middle School in Concord. This full and
exciting day is your chance to meet and network with folks from other parishes,
while learning new skills and coming to a fuller understanding of how our church
works, it's structure, and your role. Originally designed just for Vestry
members, this year it is open to all interested parish members. The rector and
a number of Vestry members will be attending. If you'd like to join us, the
registration is on-line. If you have questions, talk to Heidi or a Vestry
member. "First-timers" do an informative basic course, then in
subsequent years, folks can select from an interesting array of topics. Just
click here for more details:https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/14c2904ff1e01c9e.
OPPORTUNITY: The Barbara C. Harris Episcopal Camp in Greenfield NH, has
sessions for young people entering grade 4 through grade 12. There are one- and
two-week sessions available, as well as a long weekend for families. It is an
excellent camp program run by the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, but open
to New Hampshire kids as well, with campership/scholarship support available.
Info brochures are on the parish bulletin board or chick out their website: www.bchcenter.org/camp.
Food for thought
From Brother Luke’s sermon, closing out the Lenten Reflection with which
we have been engaging in our Wednesday Simple Suppers… [For full access to this
series go to http://ssje.org/
This Lent we have been
reflection on TIME as God’s gift … to stop, pray, work, and play. This closing
week, it’s time to LOVE…Jesus said; “Love your neighbor” and “abide in my love”
…”make yourself at home in my love.” It’s time to be loved, to surrender to the
surprise, to rest in the reality, Let me suggest two practices:
First, what image from scripture or life evokes
love for you? Play with that in your prayer. Perhaps imagine God as a hen who
gathers us under strong wings … or imagine yourself as a lamb with a shepherd
who call you by name and leads you to safety. … Remember climbing on a sturdy
rock, finding refuge in the woods, or being held in an adult’s arms. Spend time
being still with that image or scene and ask for help to more deeply experience
divine love.
Second, talk to a safe, trustworthy person. Share your
feelings. Tell your story. Be vulnerable. Allow that person to be Jesus in the
flesh for you. Love listens and love changes us. Letting ourselves be seen, our
stories witnessed by another, being accepted for who we are actually changes
our internal chemistry. Love changes us.
…This Lenten series on TIME is
not so much a to-do list as a list of gifts to cherish. They may not be easy
gifts to receive, but they are good and they will change us: Stop. Pray. Work.
Play. Love. Claim the gifts. Watch the truth spread and change you, crating a
beautiful aroma, the fragrance of God drawing everyone into the embrace of
Divine love.
10 am Blessing of the Palms, the Passion Narrative
7 pm A shared complete reading of
the Gospel According to Mark
12-2pm Psalms, scripture and silent reflections,
(Come and go as needed)
2 pm Stations of the Cross
7 pm Liturgy of the Day with hymns and
communion from the reserved sacrament
More Photos:
That, after all, is ultimately what this season of Passion and Eastertide
is all about!
See you in
Blessings, Heidi+
Blessings, Heidi+
Holy Week and Easter Services
Palm Sunday, March 29 (No 8:00 service)10 am Blessing of the Palms, the Passion Narrative
and Holy
Wednesday, April 1
9 am A service
of Morning Prayer7 pm A shared complete reading of
the Gospel According to Mark
Thursday, April 2, 7 pm
Liturgy of the Day with foot washing,
Holy Eucharist and the stripping of the altar
Friday, April 3Liturgy of the Day with foot washing,
Holy Eucharist and the stripping of the altar
12-2pm Psalms, scripture and silent reflections,
(Come and go as needed)
2 pm Stations of the Cross
7 pm Liturgy of the Day with hymns and
communion from the reserved sacrament
Saturday, April 4: 8 pm
The Great Vigil of Easter, with kindling of the new fire, Vigil readings and the First Eucharist of Easter
The Great Vigil of Easter, with kindling of the new fire, Vigil readings and the First Eucharist of Easter
Easter Sunday, April 5 (ONE
service only)
10 am Rite II Festival
Eucharist with hymns, choir, and organMore Photos: