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"Connor's Cros" |
Saint Andrew’s offers a weekly service
on Morning Prayer at 9:00 on Wednesday mornings in the church, to which you are
always welcome.
The readings for this coming Sunday are
selected from those specified for the Care of God’s Creation and for the
Rogation Days devoted to fruitful seasons: Ezekiel
47:6-12, Psalm 104, Romans 8: 22-27, and Matthew 6:25-33
Annual, at White Lake State Park!!! The liturgy will begin AT 10:30, followed by the picnic.
Our event will be held rain or shine since the pavilion is under cover. This
has proved to be a fun community event, so feel free to invite friends and
family members who might not regularly join you for church. You are free to
stay and enjoy the park until park closing time.
When you come through the “check-in
gate” just tell them you are there for Saint Andrew’s Picnic, then proceed to
the pavilion. Set-up will be taking place from 9:00 on, so feel free to come
early to drop off your food and get settled. The site is wheelchair accessible,
including the bathrooms. Burgers, hotdogs, buns, and beverages will be
provided, but you are invited to bring
something for the food table: chips, salads, or dessert. The swimming at
White Lake is excellent and good for children as well as adults; the water
warms up early. Bring your kayak if you want to enjoy the whole late.
The official amount that the church
will pay for pavilion use is $5 per person, BUT WE DO NOT CHARGE FOR THE EVENT.
If you want to come, come! If you would like to help subsidize the cost to the
church, we welcome your contribution, large or small. (Checks can be made out
to St. Andrew’s with a memo: for parish picnic.)
What to bring:
A food table contribution of chips, salad, or dessert
Informal clothing suitable to the weather, including an extra layer in case it gets chilly
A food table contribution of chips, salad, or dessert
Informal clothing suitable to the weather, including an extra layer in case it gets chilly
A comfortable portable chair (The pavilion has only backless picnic tables.)
Swim suit and towel (if you want).
Kayak or swim toys
A comfortable portable chair (The pavilion has only backless picnic tables.)
Swim suit and towel (if you want).
Kayak or swim toys
What not to bring:
Pets, with the exception of licensed service animals.
Pets, with the exception of licensed service animals.
Directions from the south: The White Lake State Park entrance is on
the left about a three-minute drive north from the West Ossipee intersection of
Route 25 W and Rte 16. (Think McDonald’s, then head north toward Conway.)
Directions from the north: It is on the right about 3.5 miles south
from Chocorua Village.
Click here for a map of the park: http://www.nhstateparks.org/uploads/pdf/White-Lake_Campground-Map.pdf
It’s Berry Season! As the fruits of the good earth begin to
ripen, please consider picking or purchases extra for jams and jellies to be
made for selling at the Sandwich Fair. Berries, for example, freeze easily and
effectively if you don't want to process jams right away. Or let Carol, our
chief jam-maker, know and she'd be happy to accept your frozen berries and will
transform them into spreadable, salable form!
The FUN-Raising Committee is pleased to
announce that our Annual Lobster and Steak Dinner will be held on Friday,
August 7th. Advance
ticket sales will be required and publicity materials will be out soon.
Meanwhile, please mark your calendar and set that evening aside for fabulous,
traditional New England Clambake fare (or a grilled steak), and invite your
friends and family. As always, we need and appreciate your help getting the
word out.
Food for thought from
all of us…
Last Sunday, in response to the Gospel (Mark 4:26-34), we reflected together on what we thought Jesus might be pointing to in these two brief parables about the Kingdom of God, remembering that Mark’s Gospel begins with Jesus proclaiming that “The Kingdom of God has come near.” It has not yet arrived in its fullness, but it is happening. So…what are some of the qualities of this Kingdom, that we might be missing? What indications might invite us to look and see more deeply, so that we could participate and encourage others?
Last Sunday, in response to the Gospel (Mark 4:26-34), we reflected together on what we thought Jesus might be pointing to in these two brief parables about the Kingdom of God, remembering that Mark’s Gospel begins with Jesus proclaiming that “The Kingdom of God has come near.” It has not yet arrived in its fullness, but it is happening. So…what are some of the qualities of this Kingdom, that we might be missing? What indications might invite us to look and see more deeply, so that we could participate and encourage others?
far as I know, no one either took notes or audio taped it but some memorable responses
follow… If you have additions, please email me.
(the Kingdom of God) is a mystery. Our job isn’t to figure it out; it’s to
follow Jesus.
find it in the ordinary aspects of life (in sleeping and rising, night and day,
day after day).
end results are nourishing; they feed us.
is going on below the ground that we can’t necessarily see.
the underground aspects may influence each other.
have to be patient. It won’t happen overnight.
are stages to it, and we all know not every grain germinates and bears fruit.
That’s just the nature of things.
Kingdom of God may come from an unlikely source. (Mustard was an aggressive weed – an
invasive species – illegal to plant within the village limits!)
everyone will be pleased with it (especially those in positions of power and
may not be beautiful, but it provides safety and shelter and companionship.
available to everyone.
have a part in it, but it doesn’t come to fruition by our efforts alone, no matter
how worthy they might be.
are always more seeds that can be planted!
Where are you seeing glimpses of the Kingdom of God?
Where is God at work in your neighborhood or town?
Talk about it! Don’t keep it a secret!
Where are you seeing glimpses of the Kingdom of God?
Where is God at work in your neighborhood or town?
Talk about it! Don’t keep it a secret!
See you in church and at the picnic!
Blessings, Heidi+