Don’t miss the Advent III picture gallery at the end of the

readings for this Sunday are Micah 5:2-5a, Canticle 15, The Song of Mary,
Hebrews 10:5-10, Luke 1:39-4.
Greening of the Church 2014 |
of the Church 2014 Last chance to make donations to
Christmas Flowers.
Any amount gratefully received, given “in memory of” or “in thanksgiving for”.
Envelopes are in the pews and on the bulletin table. All info needs to be to
Debra at the office (323-8515) by Tuesday if it is to be listed in the
Christmas bulletin insert. (And thank you to those who have done so already.)
HERE TONIGHT at 7:30: Sandwich Singers’ Christmas Concert (Thursday, Dec. 17).
Visit Saint Andrew’s table at the
Tamworth Christmas Farmers’ Market at the Brett School, held this Saturday, Dec. 19, from 9 to 1. Support the
church and pick up some last-minute stocking stuffers, homemade jams and
Saint Andrew’s Famous
Christmas Day Feast: Hors
d’oeuvres at noon, dinner at 1! Everyone is invited, including you! This event is always a wonderful
festive mix of parishioners, Dinner Bell regulars, and members of the wider community.
The meal is preceded by a service of Holy Eucharist for Christmas Day at 11:30.
After years as organizer and chief worker for this wonderful community and parish event, Carol is stepping back a bit and the Huckman family is stepping forward! Thanks in advance to all five of them and to Carol for all her work! This meal may seem to appear as if by magic, but it is really based on many simple contributions from many people. Can you help? Financial donations are welcome, but so are specific foods.
After years as organizer and chief worker for this wonderful community and parish event, Carol is stepping back a bit and the Huckman family is stepping forward! Thanks in advance to all five of them and to Carol for all her work! This meal may seem to appear as if by magic, but it is really based on many simple contributions from many people. Can you help? Financial donations are welcome, but so are specific foods.
Hors d’ouevres needed:
Shrimp (looking for a total of 4 – 5 pounds)
Cheese and crackers (cheese can be cut/prepared by kitchen)
Veggies and dip
Deviled eggs
Shrimp (looking for a total of 4 – 5 pounds)
Cheese and crackers (cheese can be cut/prepared by kitchen)
Veggies and dip
Deviled eggs
Selzers, fruit juices
Selzers, fruit juices
We have trifle and cheesecakes.
Looking for candies, cookies, small dessert pieces
Fresh fruit – pineapple, berries, etc. (will be prepared by kitchen)
We have trifle and cheesecakes.
Looking for candies, cookies, small dessert pieces
Fresh fruit – pineapple, berries, etc. (will be prepared by kitchen)
If you are able to contribute something, please contact
or call her at 603-452-4110. Many thanks! Happy Christmas!
We’ve had several wonderful Advent offerings in the past week! Thanks
go to Judy Grace for initiating a lovely Pre-Christmas Tea last Thursday.
Billed as “Tea with cookies, conversation, and carols,” we were so engaged in
our conversation and cookies that we never got to the carols. It was lovely to
sit in the Prince Room as parlor, enjoy several splendid artisan imported teas
and a wonderful array of Christmas cookies … and we all went home with a plate
of cookie-swap cookies!

Food for thought in this Advent season…
This Sunday we will all
chant together what is probably the best-known canticle of all time, “The Song
of Mary,” The Magnificat. We will
hear as our Gospel the account Mary going to visit her kinswoman Elizabeth who
is pregnant (with John the Baptist), when the child in Elizabeth’s womb is said
to leap for joy at the approach of the fulfillment of the promise “hidden
beneath the folds of Mary’s gown.”
Mary’s words of
response echo through all of time:
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior;
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant….
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior;
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant….
For generations, Christians have proclaimed
Mary in word and song as a symbol of redeemed humanity and sign of creation
renewed. Today, I offer you this Greek hymn to Mary from the 6th
thou, the restoration of the fallen Adam;
hail, thou, the redemption of the tears of Eve.
Hail, heavenly ladder by which God came down;
hail, bridge leading from earth to heaven.
Hail, thou who revives the green fields of joy;
hail, thou who prepares a haven for souls.
Hail, land of promise; hail, thou from whom
flows forth milk and honey.
Hail, space for the uncontained God;
hail, door to solemn mystery.
hail, thou, the redemption of the tears of Eve.
Hail, heavenly ladder by which God came down;
hail, bridge leading from earth to heaven.
Hail, thou who revives the green fields of joy;
hail, thou who prepares a haven for souls.
Hail, land of promise; hail, thou from whom
flows forth milk and honey.
Hail, space for the uncontained God;
hail, door to solemn mystery.
Hail! Hail!
May these coming days
open you in new ways to the mysteries of God with us!
Blessings, Heidi+
Blessings, Heidi+
Picture Gallery from the Third Sunday of Advent