Easter Morning |
Thursday of Easter Week
miss the gallery of Easter pictures at the end of this MEMO.
We will have ONE service only, at 9 AM, this coming Sunday, April3, the Second Sunday of Easter. We hope you will join us for worship and fellowship as we continue the Celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord. Coffee Hour will be hosted by the FUN-Raising Committee.
for this Sunday: Acts
5:27-32, Psalm 150, Revelation 1:4-8, John 20:19-31
to all who contributed to the spiritual depth, beauty, and
fullness of our Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter liturgies by your prayerful
presence and involvement. Special thanks indeed go to the Altar Guild, Choir,
musicians (Bernice and Val), readers, Vigil cast, acolytes, and lay ministers.
Christ is risen! Alleluia!
offer thanksgivings for the lives of two members of our
extended church community. Patricia
Watts, a long-time summer associate member of Saint Andrew’s, died
peacefully on Palm Sunday at the age of 88, following a stroke. Her service is
to be held this morning (March 31) at 10:30 at Trinity Church in Boston. The Rev. Frank Greene, a friend of this
parish who attended and supplied here often some years ago, died on Easter
Monday at the age of 99. There will be a celebration of his life this Saturday
at 2 o’clock at Trinity Church in Meredith. Calling hours will be Friday from 5
- 7 at Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home in Laconia.
Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them.
Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them.
New Forward Day by Days for April, May, and June and the spring edition of Episcopal News are now available in the
Parish Hall on the table in front of the parish bulletin board.
Registration for Safe Church Training: Anyone planning to attend the Safe Church Training on April
18th should contact Marty Cloran @ martycloran@roadrunner.com or at 603 447-8841
so that you may be registered for that session.
In case you haven't sleuthed it out yet,
this is your call!
Mystery Dinner -- Friday, April 15th
at 6 p.m. It’s a
multi-national menu: Turkey Satay, Caesar Salad, then Sauerbraten with
braised cabbage and roasted potatoes, followed by coffee and chocolate bread-pudding
for dessert. BYO wine or beer if you like.It’s a challenging mystery, with our largest cast ever. Was it the Russian countess? … or her maid, Azita? …the renowned mystery writer, Agnes Crispi? … or one of the 14 others?
The action takes place in the Parish Hall at Saint Andrew’s-in-the-Valley, 678 Whittier Rd, Tamworth. Reservations required. Advance payment requested. Call 323-8515. Dinner & Drama for $30. Please be in your seats by 6 pm.

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Can you name the counties of the Church in the Holy Lands? |
Offering for Church in the Holy
the liturgical excitement of last week, we neglected to publicize what has
become known as The Good Friday Offering
for the Church in the Holy Lands. But it’s not too late! For detailed info
about this incredible important ministry click here http://www.episcopalchurch.org/page/good-friday-offering
or pick up a flier at church. Checks can be made to St. Andrew’s with a memo
line note of: “Good Friday Offering.”
Food for thought as we take the resurrection
light of Easter out into the world…
Do small things as if they were great, because of the majesty of Christ, who does them in us and lives our life, and great things as if they were small and easy, because of his almighty power.
Do small things as if they were great, because of the majesty of Christ, who does them in us and lives our life, and great things as if they were small and easy, because of his almighty power.
Pascal 17th c. French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and
Christian philosopher.
See you in church!
Blessings, Heidi+
Blessings, Heidi+
Gallery of Easter Pictures
Kindling the Paschal Fire |
The Exsultet: Rejoice, heavenly hosts and choirs of angels and let your trumpets shout salvation for the victory of our mighty King! |
May God, who has brought us out of bondage to sin into true and everlasting freedom in the Redeemer, bring you to your eternal inheritance.... |
Paschal Candle lighting Easter Day |
Lexi bearing the precious Gospel Book |
A joyful gathering of regulars, extended family, and new friends. Many thanks to the Hospitality Team for the Easter cakes and goodies! |