March 17, 2016

Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!

This coming Sunday, March 20, – The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday we will have one service only, at 10 AM. We will gather in the Parish Hall for the Liturgy of the Palms as we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, then we will process into the sanctuary, where the mood changes for the Passion narrative according to Luke and the Eucharist. We hope you will join us for worship as we begin Holy Week together. The liturgy will be followed by coffee hour.

Holy Week Services:
Wednesday of Holy Week (Mar 23) 9 am: Morning Prayer with shared reflection.
Maundy Thursday (Mar 24) 7 pm: Liturgy with Foot washing, Holy Eucharist, and the Stripping of the Altar.
Good Friday (Mar 25) Noon to 2 pm: Psalms, scripture, and meditation. Come and go as you choose.
2 to 2:30: The Stations of the Cross
7 pm: Liturgy of the Day with communion
Holy Saturday (Mar 26) 8 pm: Kindling of the Paschal Fire and The Great Vigil of Easter
Easter Day (Mar 27) 10 am: Festal Eucharist (One service only)

Planning ahead to Easter Dinner! Carol Tubman and friends will host the Easter Dinner Bell, a suitably festive event that is open to all – including members of the parish! If you’d like to help or contribute a dish to this event, talk to Carol on Sunday.

Any day now ... peepers!
Participating in Holy Week Liturgies:  The stories and liturgies of Holy Week and Easter are at the heart of who we are as “Jesus people.” They are highly participatory – from the waving of Palm Sunday and the shared reading of the Passion Narrative, through the intimacies of Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper, the silence and meditations of Good Friday, and the multiple, in-the-dark readings (one dramatized) of the Great Vigil of Easter, to the wild and jubilant ringing of bells and the joy of Easter morning! Yes, it’s a lot! It’s supposed to be a lot! It’s intended to be experienced viscerally, not just cerebrally! Maybe this is the year for you to block them off on your calendar and come to all. Allow yourself to truly enter into the events that lead up to Easter. (It will make Easter more rewarding.) Liturgy is the work of the people, but it is equally true that liturgy “works” in us – opening our hearts and souls, transforming us cell by cell, to be more and more the fullness of who each of us is called to be.

Tracking Lent Madness? We're closing in on the Golden Halo!!! This week provides Lent Madness with 2016 Final Four! On Tuesday, Constance (1878, the lead "Martyr of Memphis" ministering to Yellow Fever epidemic victims) won out over Vida Scudder; Wednesday Sojourner Truth beat out Absolom Jones. [Yes, these are totally impossible competitions! That the fun, the learning, and the soul-searching of it!] Today’s competition: Dame Julian of Norwich vs Albert Schweitzer! Yikes! this is Dame Julian's chance to win the Golden Halo!!!  Voting is open 8 to 8, so go vote! Friday is between Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Saint Columba!

Growing a Rule of Life: Seven of us met last night for good food and some insightful, thought-provoking conversation as we reflected on how our “trellis” might support us in our relationships with others – those close to us, neighbors and acquaintances, strangers – those easy to love and those whom we find difficult. We also explored ways that the natural world can support our spiritual life and growth, as well as how aspects of it can serve as important metaphors for life situations. Next week we will
close out our Lenten explorations together as we each sketch out a personal rule of life – a trellis for supporting our life and growth as God’s beloved children. Join us, on Wednesday of Holy Week at 5:30 in the Prince Room, even if you haven't been able to take part in the previous sessions!

March 17th 
The Feast Day of Patrick
Bishop and Missionary of Ireland, 461

I bind unto myself this day the strong name of the Trinity, by invocation of the same, the Three in One, and One in Three!

Almighty God, in your providence you chose your servant Patrick to be the apostle of the Irish people, to bring those who were wandering in darkness and error to the true light and knowledge of you: Grant us so to walk in that light that we may come at last to the light of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Blessings in the rich and Holy Season!
See you in church.