miss the picture gallery from Pentecost and Confirmation at the end of this post. |
for this coming Sunday, Trinity Sunday
and May 22, will be at 8 and 10 AM. We hope you will be
with us for worship and as we thank Janet Palmer for her many years as our child care provider and honor her at coffee hour.
for Sunday:
Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31;
Psalm 8; Romans 5:1-5; John 16:12-15
Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Michael Curry, is coming to New Hampshire on Monday,
June 6th!!! Lay
leaders of the Episcopal Church are invited to join a Conversation him and his
Canon for Ministry, the Rev. Michael B. Hunn. This event will be held at St.
Paul's Church in Concord on Monday, June 6, 2016, from 10 am - 12 noon. Register HERE. A number of Saint Andrew’s folks will be
attending, so carpooling is encouraged. This is a rare opportunity, and you
will not be disappointed! Bishop Curry is wonderfully inspiring, dynamic
speaker and preacher.
The Holy Spirit was abundantly present for our joyous Confirmation, Reception, and the
Bishop’s visit on Tuesday evening! Ann Albrecht, Aislinn Hird, and
Sarah Huckman were confirmed with the laying-on of hands, and Pat Adams and
Audrey Berry were welcomed into this communion. Much generous behind-the-scenes
work deserves recognition: Joan Wright and Lisa Thompson (Altar Guild), David
Manley and Pat Adams (reception set-up), Jen and others (cleanup), Val May
(harpist and soloist), the families of our younger confirmands, whose busy
lives took sometimes heroic acts of schedule coordination so that Sarah and
Aislinn could meet for confirmation classes, our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Robert
Hirschfeld for making time for this special visit, and, of course, the warm
whispers and wild winds of the Holy Spirit who so decisively moved in the hearts
and minds of Pat and Audrey, Sarah, Aislinn, and Ann, calling them to renew
their baptismal vows make new mature commitments to Christ!
It is the custom at the time of the Bishop’s visit that the
collection be directed toward the Bishop’s
Discretionary Fund. If you would like to make a contribution (whether or
not you were present Tuesday’s Confirmation service), checks can be made out to
Saint Andrew’s-in-the-Valley with a memo line to Bishop’s Discretionary
Fund; envelopes for cash contributions are also available on the bulletin
tables. A significant portion of the fund will go towards the strengthening of
ministry with and to the young people of New Hampshire. Consider a gift in
thanksgiving for the vitality of the young people in our parish!
And speaking of the work of the Holy Spirit…Don’t
miss the posts from Sammie Wakefield on the Parish bulletin board keeping us
up-to-date with the work of Eleanore’s Project in Peru. And please keep
the team, the families, and the children with whom they are working in your
prayers. Click here for pictures and details.
Food for thought as we all strive to heed the Holy Spirit’s call to interact
with our neighbors with compassion, avoiding the pull to respond with aggression
or anger, instead seeking a point of view that changes the conversation…
This offering is from The Wisdom of the Desert Fathers
and Mothers, early Christian hermits,
and monks
who lived mainly in the desert of Egypt beginning around the third century.
A desert elder set off for the nearest village to
sell his baskets. On the road that he was going down, the devil found him and,
out of the intense malice he had toward the elder, snatched the baskets from
his hands and disappeared. The elder, without being at all upset, raised his
eyes to heaven and said, "I thank you, my God, that you have relieved me
of my burden and the trouble of going down to the village." Then the
devil, not suffering the calmness of the hermit, threw the baskets in his face,
shouting: "Take them back, old man." The monk gathered them up again
and continued on his way to the village.
Blessings, Heidi+
Picture Gallery for Pentecost Sunday and Confirmation