This Sunday, The 5th Sunday of Easter, there will be two services at 8 and 10 a.m.
Note: Sunday, May 21st- One service only at 9 a.m.
Note: Sunday, May 21st- One service only at 9 a.m.
There is a service of Morning Prayer on Wednesday mornings at 9 a.m.
Acts 7:55-60
Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16
1 Peter 2:2-10
John 14:1-14
With many helping hands the parish spring cleanup was a success. Check out the photo gallery below for special pictures of helpers and removal of the satellite dish
And pictures of Ellie McLaughlin's celebration of 36 years of ordained ministry.
Rev. Caroline lends helping hands! |
The Rev. Canon Hannah Anderson Here on May 21
At our last meeting the Vestry had a discussion about clergy salary and benefits, whether we will be able to afford a rector who needs family coverage, and if we can confidently advertise the position as full time. If the person called needs family insurance, it will be a real challenge for our budget, as the cost is so much greater for a family than for a single person. We know that most parishioners have only a general awareness of the cost of benefits for a rector, and wanted to find a way to both give you more information and receive your input. We thought that Hannah could best lead the parish in this discussion, and after consulting with the Search Committee Co-Chairs, I invited her to meet with us on a Sunday morning. The Search Committee felt that it would be important to have this discussion prior to the house meetings that they plan to hold in late May and the first part of June, so we are all pleased that Hannah can be with us on May 21.
Because this will be such an important discussion, we also decided to have only one service, at 9:00, on May 21. This will allow us to gather together for worship, take the time we need for this conversation, and still be able to go home by noon.
And, since the pot luck coffee hour on Easter was such a success, we will have another one on the 21st. Bring your favorite treat!
Please mark your calendars and join us for this important parish discussion.
Sunday, May 21:
One service at 9:00
The Rev. Canon Hannah Anderson, Preacher
Followed by a Potluck Coffee Hour and
Presentation on Cost of Hiring a New Rector
Becoming the Beloved Community
Becoming the Beloved Community
Episcopal Church
committed to the work of racial reconciliation.
Presiding Bishop
Curry and President Jennings will host a webinar to discuss the Churchs
long-term commitment on May
16 from 3 to 3:45 p.m. ETÂ (or at 2 p.m. CT/1 p.m. MT/noon PT/11 a.m. in Alaska/10 a.m. in
Hawaii). Link
information will be available soon
Please consider signing up for the summer altar flowers program. If you wish to provide flowers from your garden please complete an envelope from the Altar flower chart in the Parish Hall and turn in to the office.
We encourage flowers to be given in memory, in honor of or in thanksgiving. If you do not have garden flowers and would like flowers to be ordered ($20), please note that accordingly on the flower chart and submission envelope. Thank you
Yard Sale at Saint Andrews Saturday May 27th 9am-2pm.
Our first annual Memorial Day weekend yard sale. Buy a table for just $20. Interested please contact David Manley at 603-733-6961 and leave a message to reserve a table.
The Annual Continental Breakfast Meeting for Dinner Bell Teams
June 3rd at 9am.
We welcome any one who is interested in finding out more about it to join us.
The Parish Survey is ready and your imput is important to the success of this survey. All responses together will help create an accurate parish profile for our search process. There will be opportunities to discuss the survey topics during our small group meetings.
Please complete the survey by May 1, 2017.
Prayer for St. Andrew’s during this phase of the search process.
Search Committee: George Rau, Lisa Thompson, Cathie Lewis, Tom Huckman, Betsy Hess and Pat Adams.
The Food Pantry thanks you for your contributions throughout the year.
The monthly item for MAY is Deoderant for men and women.
A Prayer for the End of the Day
Lord, it is night.
The night is for stillness.
Let us be still in the presence of God.
It is night after a long day.
What has been done has been done;
what has not been done has not been done;
let it be.
The night is dark.
Let our fears of the darkness of the world and of our own lives
rest in you.
The night is quiet.
Let the quietness of your peace enfold us,
all dear to us,
and all who have no peace.
The night heralds the dawn.
Let us look expectantly to a new day,
new joys,
new possibilities.
In your name we pray.
~ From Night Prayers, New Zealand Prayer Book
I will be on vacation the week of June 19th. If there is anyone who would particularly be willing to man the office for the following times, please let me know. More than one volunteer is welcome. This request is early in hopes that I can get these confirmed arrangements in place and on the calendar. Thank you for your help.
Tues-Jun 20th 9a -Noon
Wed-Jun 21st 1p-3p
Thur-Jun 22nd 1p-3p
Fri-Jun 23rd 9a-Noon
1 John Marshall
7 Elaine South
11 Janet Palmer
13 Ruth Rich
15 Kitty Lou Booty, Betty Faella
17 Chuck DeGroot
18 Tim Huckman
20 Tom Forbes
26 Dan DeGroot
28 Bob Luz
13 Tom & Jen Huckman
20 Jonathan & Lois Brady
26 Grete & George Plender
28 Bruce & Denise Foreman
30 Bob & Gabriele Wallace
Hettie Buck |
Betsy and Marty |
Tom overseeing Tim's bobcat work at the Dish. |
Rev. Caroline works the bobcat. |
All that's left! |
Tom Ayling, supply organist |