October 22, 2020



I will be on vacation October 19-25. If it seems that I’m taking more time off than usual it’s because I am. The pandemic has taken a toll on me, as it has on everyone, and the vestry and I have agreed on a plan that gives me more time for self-care.

 From the Diocese: ChIPS and UTO

Due to the pandemic, the prison system is not allowing many visitors into the prison. This will make it impossible for us to offer the ChIPS program this year. I'm afraid we won't be taking donations of money or gifts for the children of prisoners this year.

 Please send your United Thank Offering (UTO) donations through your church so each church sends one check, made out to the Episcopal Church of NH with UTO in the memo line. We look forward to honoring these donations during our worship. Thank you for your support of this important program.

Volunteer Shoppers Needed for the Tamworth Christmas Project

As most of you know, the Tamworth Community Christmas Project distributes gifts to local children at St. Andrew’s in December each year. This is also one of the projects our outreach program supports. This year, due to the pandemic, some of their volunteer shoppers will not be shopping. Cathy Baybutt, director of the project, is looking for new volunteers

Volunteers shop for a family (from 1 to 4 children). The parents fill out a form with sizes and needs. We ask shoppers to purchase items on the list and then tally them up, then we send them a reimbursement check for the amount. I have very specific directions which seem to work very well. If you enjoy shopping and might lend a hand, please contact Cathy Baybutt at tamworthchristmasproject@gmail.com.

 With gratitude and blessings,


The 1st Sunday of the month at 9:00 AM 
The remaining Sundays at 10:00 AM
via Zoom 

This Sunday-October 25, 2020
join the Diocesan worship

Morning Prayer with Rev. Alanna Van Antwerpen via Zoom webinar. Order of Worship can be found here (or follow BCP beginning at page 78) and Zoom link here

By phone (audio only) call +1 929 205 6099/Webinar ID: 970 5549 6969.



The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost 

Proper 25, Year A

Collect of the Day                         We center ourselves for worship in prayer.

Almighty and everlasting God, increase in us the gifts of faith, hope, and charity; and, that we may obtain what you promise, make us love what you command; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

First Lesson                                     Deuteronomy 34:1-12

Our Hebrew scripture lection recounts the death of Moses on the very edge of the promised land.  Moses has fulfilled his purpose as God's faithrul servant, the onw who led the people form their bondage with many signs, received the law, traversed the wilderness, and knew God intimately.  From Mounta Nebo, Moses surveys the promised land, and then he dies and is buried in Moab.  Joshua, upon whom Moses had laid hands, succeeds him.

Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17

The psalmist reflects on the passing character of human life in the face of the Lord's wrath, and asks the everlasting God for wisdom to make use of the time.

The Second Lesson                         1 Thessalonians 2:1-8

In this reading Paul recalls his first visit to the Thessalonians, the troubles he endured, and the straightforward and gentle way in which he presented the gospel. The opposition that Paul had earlier experienced in Philippi continued in Thessalonica, but, with God’s help, Paul preached fearlessly. Unlike certain of the insincere traveling missionaries of the pagan world, Paul acted with integrity and sought in no way to take advantage of his new friends. He and his companions shared not only the gospel but their own selves.

The Gospel                                                  Matthew 22:34-46

In the gospel Jesus presents the double commandment of love for God and neighbor, and then asks a question concerning whose son the Christ is.  The context of this passage is the effort by certain Jewish officials to test Jesus, hoping to force him to make an unwise or unpopular comment.  Jesus first responds by teaching that all the law and the prophetic words depend for their understanding on commandments of love.  He then asks his own question.  Using an argumentative style of the time, Jesus shows how King David (considered to be the author of the Psalms) called the Christ his Lord.   Thus, at the very least, the Christ must be more than the son of David.  Christians believe this Christ to be Jesus and trust that through him disciples may learn to love both God and neighbor.

Click below to see the readings: 


For God alone my soul in silence waits;  from God comes my salvation.

God alone is my rock and my salvation,  my stronghold, so that I shall not be greatly shaken.

                                                                Psalm 62:1-2

Throughout th
e ages, humans from all faith traditions have sat in stillness and silence to return to their heart in support of their spirit. There is an inner healing presence available to us when we stop, notice, and allow.

If you are interested in strengthening or building a contemplative practice or seek silence within community, please plan to join others, each Tuesday, beginning September 15th, at 9:00am. Newcomers are welcome at any gathering. No previous meditation experience needed.

Our time begins with a brief sitting practice, facilitated by Christi Humphrey.  Christi has lead other groups which gather to explore contemplative practices through meditation, teachings, and discussion. Guided meditations and teachings draw upon the Christian contemplative tradition, monastic spirituality, Buddhist meditation, and self-compassion practices.

If you would like to learn more or have questions, contact Christi Humphrey at cchumphrey@comcast.net. If you would like to sample Christi leading a guided meditation visit her blog https://watchingforgrace.wordpress.com/2020/03/21/bringing-compassion-to-these-anxious-times/


The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it- John 1:5
Stewardship Ingathering November 1, 9:00 a.m.

One thing we can always do while we stay at home is to pray for each other! We would like to keep our prayer list up to date and publish it each week in the Thursday Memo. Please email Deb at office@standrewsinthevalley.org with any updates.

This Week We Pray for

Health and Wholeness for: Joan Marshall, Marilyn Cloran, Carolyn Jarvis, Gabriele and Bob Wallace, John McGowan, Sue Huckman, Dave Appleton, Angela B, Carolyn Boldt, Tom, Kitty Lou Booty, Doug Crapser, Steve Thompson, Peg Patenaude, Joyce Humphrey, Marge Hagerup, Elizabeth Wiesner, Jean DeThomas.

For those who are homebound: Joyce Gendron, Marge Hagerup, Elizabeth Pease, Brian & Sara Kelley, Elizabeth Wiesner, Judy Grace, Audrey Berry.

For our First Nation people and those in this country who are living in impoverished areas of the Ninth Ward of New Orleans and the inner city areas populated by some of our poorest citizens.

For all those who are on the front lines serving communities during these difficult times.

For those who have died: David Manley, beloved member of St. Andrew's.

Updating the Prayer List

Please let Deb know if you want to put someone back on the prayer list going forward. Thank you for helping us keep our prayer list up to date.


No DINNER BELL until further notice.

Thank you for your volunteer
work in this special Outreach program!


The Food Pantry thanks you for your contributions throughout the year.

Food pantry continues to serve the communities needs
New Hours
Alternating Wednesdays
12-6 pm
Next Food Pantry: October 28th
Any questions call 603-960-4067


“Not Everything is Cancelled”

Not everything is cancelled…
Sun is not cancelled
Spring is not cancelled
Relationships are not cancelled
Love is not cancelled
Reading is not cancelled
Devotion is not cancelled
Music is not cancelled
Imagination is not cancelled
Kindness is not cancelled
Conversations are not cancelled
Hope is not cancelled
And God’s love for HIS people is never cancelled.

If you do not see your birthday or anniversary listed, please make sure Deb in the office has an information sheet on file for you.

5   Ray Walker
9   Joan Wright, Rob Walty
20  Lois Brady
22  Sally DeGroot, John McGowan
27   Larry Grace
28  Dick Wakefield, Dwight Baldwin

8     Judy and Larry Grace

REMEMBRANCE by Cathie Lewis
Remembering David Manley

DAVID MANLEY – A Remembrance by Cathie Lewis
 Read at David’s Memorial Service, October 13, 2020, via Zoom.

It has been widely and wisely said that IT TAKES A VILLAGE, usually followed by an implicit . . . (dot, dot, dot).

And I believe that it DOES take a village -- in our situation, it takes a village to remember and reflect, to appreciate and honor the life of David.

 And we are gathered (here and there) as David's village -- a village of family and friends: family who are friends and friends who have become family.

I refer us all to the remembrance Patti Rau wrote for the Thursday Memo, a telling of the remarkable impact that David had on the life of the parish of St. Andrew.

On reflection, the word that strikes me most about David is FIERCE. Patti's litany of David's accomplishments certainly underscores that point.

David had a fierce love for his country, and his life in military service had a profound effect on his life as a vet.

 David had a fierce love for his "at home" family: Joe, of course, and his home in Effingham showed that Joe's memory was still a large part of David's life.

 David had a fierce love for his kids, his beautiful long haired kids, his beautiful, long haired dachshund kids who provided camaraderie and stability for him

 And who could be more fierce than David about his love for his parish family? Rhetorical, of course! Patti was spot-on in giving David Kudos for his attention to the kitchen, and his was a fiercely held opinion that he was the ONLY person who could operate the coffee machine!

 How many times, I have wondered, did I say to him (gently, of course, but fiercely): David. It is my turn to do coffee hour, and I really DO KNOW HOW TO MAKE   COFFEE! (I don't think he ever believed that I could!)

And later on those Sundays, we would talk and talk on the phone, tell each other how fiercely silly we were, and ALWAYS ended with me saying "I love you, David". Invariably he would respond by saying "I love you, too, Sweetie".
