Many thanks to everyone who made our Holy Week and Easter services come
together so beautifully!
Acolytes: Gretchen Behr-Svendsen, Kaitlyn Marshall
Altar Guild: Sammie Wakefield, Pat Adams, Tina Quinn, Patti Rau, Lisa Thompson, for cleaning the Sacristy and moving the items that had been stored back into the Sacristy. And to Gretchen for picking up the Easter flowers!
Assisting Priest: Ellie McLaughlin
Computer Operators for livestreamed services: Tina Quinn, Sammie Wakefield
Flowers: Gretchen Behr-Svendsen
Musicians: Bernice Thompson, Chris and Carolyn Boldt, Ann Cady, Valerie May
Readers: Gretchen Behr-Svendsen, Chris Boldt, Jonathan and Lois Brady, Ann Cady and Rob Walty, Lin Frank, Ginger Heard, Christi Humphrey, Bruce and Claudia Kennedy, Cathie Lewis, Kaitlyn Marshall, Valerie May, John McGowan, Preston Mills, Tina Quinn, Patti and George Rau, Lisa Thompson, Carol Tubman, Sammie Wakefield
Co-Hosts: Pat
Adams, Ann Cady, Christi Humphrey, Sammie Wakefield
And all of you who attended services!!
Palm Sunday and Easter gave us the opportunity to try out livestreaming from the church and to begin to plan for hybrid services, when some of us are in the church and some are at home on Zoom. But I expect before we can do that on a regular basis we will return to holding outdoor services. I’m hopeful that we can begin outdoor services in May. Stay tuned!
The remaining Sundays at 10:00 AM
This Sunday-April 11th
at 10:00 a.m.
The Second Sunday of Easter
via Zoom (email for Zoom information)or Facebook at
The Collect
and everlasting God, who in the Paschal mystery established the new covenant of
reconciliation: Grant that all who have been reborn into the fellowship of
Christ's Body may show forth in their lives what they profess by their faith;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy
Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The First Lesson Acts 4:32-35
this reading we hear of the enthusiasm and spirit of sharing and caring for one
another in the early Christian community.
The apostles continue their powerful witness to the resurrection. Greed and anxiety with regard to material
possessions are overcome by grace. The
author of Acts may present a somewhat idyllic picture, but there is no denying
the power of the gospel to bring disciples to a profoundly new way of life.
Psalm 133
psalm celebrates the blessing of a harmonious people.
The Second Lesson 1 John 1:1-2:2
theme of this passage is the word of life by which Christians are called to
walk in the light of God. Confessing
their sins, they and all others can find forgiveness through Jesus. The beginning of this letter leaves open the
possibility that the word may be understood as Jesus himself, or Jesus as he is
revealed in scripture, or in the bread of the Eucharist. When his followers share a common life in the
light that is God, they can be free to be honest about their sins and then be
cleansed from them.
The Gospel John 20:19-31
gospel presents two appearances of the risen Lord to his disciples. The first takes place on the very evening of
the day of his resurrection. The
disciples are gathered in fear, but Jesus brings them peace, gives them their
mission, and bestows on them the Holy Spirit.
A week later, Thomas, who had been absent when Jesus first appeared and
who doubted his resurrection, now knows Jesus by his wounds and worships him as
his Lord and God. Future disciples will
not have Jesus’ physical presence, but they will be blessed in their belief.
For our First Nation people and those in this country who are living in impoverished areas with access to needed services
For all those who working with COVID patients, vaccinations and vaccines.
Updating the Prayer List
Please let Deb know when a person can be removed from the prayer list. Thank you.
The Sun
By Mary Oliver
Have you ever
in your life
than the way
the sun,
relaxed and
floats toward
the horizon
and into the
clouds or the hills,
or the
rumpled sea,
and is gone–
and how it
glides again
out of the
on the other
side of the world,
like a red
upward on its heavenly oils,
say, on a
morning in early summer,
at its
perfect imperial distance–
and have you
ever felt for anything
such wild
do you think
there is anywhere, in any language
a word
billowing enough
for the
that fills
as the sun
reaches out,
as it warms
as you stand
or have you
turned from
this world–
or have you
gone crazy
for power,
for things?

Hannaford Fight Hunger Bag Program
Benefiting Month: May 2021