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94th Anniversary of the Dedication of St. Andrew's |
I’m just back
from another great vacation! It was so
good to see all my family – except baby Anna and her mom, who was too worried
about Covid to come. I totally understood, and think she made the right
decision. It was such a privilege to officiate at my niece’s marriage. They are
so happy, and my heart is full.
Here’s a picture of everyone else (except one brother and his family, who arrived the next day). The happy brides are on the left in the front row.
Many thanks to
Nancy Spencer-Smith for filling in for me last Sunday!
Join us on
Sunday at 9:00 for the 94th anniversary of St. Andrew’s celebration. During the
usual sermon time we will share our thoughts on what we learned about church
during the pandemic and our recent reopening for in-person services. What did
you miss while our services were on Zoom? Now that many of us are back in
church, what do you appreciate? Are there things you used to take for granted
that have new meaning now? What are you most grateful for? Please write down
your thoughts on one or more of these questions, keeping it to 50 words of less
so that everyone who wishes can share at the service
Following the service we’ll have a parish brunch, the first one in almost two years! Bring your favorite brunch dish and enjoy catching up with each other. I hope to see you there!
Blessings, Caroline
The remaining Sundays at 8:00 and 10:00 AM
This Sunday-August 1st
10th Sunday after Pentecost
at 9:00 a.m.
Join us for the 94th anniversary celebration!
9:00 service
Sermon time devoted to sharing our experience of
St. Andrew’s during the pandemic
Followed by a potluck parish brunch
Bring your favorite brunch item to share
Collect of the Day
O God, who on the holy mount revealed to
chosen witnesses your well-beloved Son, wonderfully transfigured, in raiment
white and glistening: Mercifully grant that we, being delivered from the
disquietude of this world, may by faith behold the King in his beauty; who with
you, O Father, and you, O Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and
ever. Amen.
First Lesson
In our first
reading we hear how Moses’ face shone after he had spoken with the Lord. When Moses came down from Mount Sinai after
again receiving the ten commandments, the people were afraid to approach him
because of the radiance of his face.
Whenever he talked with the people, he had to wear a veil.
Psalm 99
The holy and
mighty Lord reigns on high. God spoke to
Israel’s leaders from a pillar of cloud and has forgiven them their misdeeds
The Second Lesson 2
Peter 1:13-21
This lesson
presents the apostle Peter as he recalls his vision of Jesus in majesty on the
holy mountain and the heavenly voice that announced this was God’s beloved
Son. Peter was among those who were
eyewitnesses to this revelation. It
makes more sure the prophetic message that is like a lamp for us. But no one should make this prophecy a matter
solely of their own interpretation, for it has come through the Holy Spirit.
The Gospel Luke
Updating the Prayer List
Please let Deb know when a person can be removed from the prayer list. Thank you.
Project Update
part of Eleanore’s Project, Sammie Wakefield has received requests for thirty
wheelchairs for children in Peru. The North American team has not been able to travel
to Peru since 2019 and they will not be able to travel there in 2021. However,
the Peruvian therapists continue to work with children at Yancana Huasy who
need mobility as well as consultation with their parents on 24 hour postural
care. At their request Eleanore’s Project is putting together a container of
equipment scheduled to leave Sioux Falls, SD the last week of August.
has equipment and supplies ready to be boxed on Monday, August 2 and then on
Saturday August 7. We still need some extra hands to help on both those days.
Please call Sammie to volunteer or have questions about what type of help is
plan for the Uhaul truck to be in the parking lot at St Andrews on Sunday
August 8 and delivered to Manchester on Monday the 9th. Sammie will be
going to Sioux Falls on August 23-26 to join other members of Eleanore’s
Project and pick out the rest of the equipment for the container.
Sammie Wakefield
Hymn 528
you give the great commission:
the sick and preach the word.”
the Church neglect its mission
the Gospel go unheard,
us witness to your purpose
renewed integrity;
the Spirit’s gifts empower us
the work of ministry.
you call us to your service:
my name baptize and teach.”
the world may trust your promise,
abundant meant for each,
us all I new fervor, draw us
in community;
you make the common holy:
my body, this my blood.”
your priests, for earth’s true glory,
lift life heavenward,
that the world around us
your children’s liberty;
you show us love’s true measure:
what they do, forgive.”
we hoard as private treasure
that you so freely give.
your care and mercy lead us
a just society;
you bless with words assuring:
am with you to the end.”
and hope and love restoring,
we serve as you intend,
amid the cares that claim us,
in mind eternity;
~ Jeffrey Rowthorn