Thank you to everyone who is baking a pie or other
goodies for the Pie Sale at the Farmer’s Market this week! And a huge thank you
to Lin Frank and Tina Quinn for organizing this event!! Be sure to stop by the
St. Andrew’s tent on Saturday between 9:00 and Noon at the Brett School to see
what’s for sale and to support the pie sale. I’m told there will be unique decorations,
and hear rumors of a “St. Andrew’s Baker” making an appearance? Come and see!!
I had a wonderful “remote” retreat this week. I wasn’t feeling well but was able to participate from home, as the sessions with Br. James, the retreat leader, were live streamed for those who couldn’t be there. The topic was Rest, Renew and Return, and it was just what I needed. It wasn’t quite the same as being there in person but was wonderful just the same. I had a lot of time for reflection and several naps, just as if I had been there.
Blessings, Caroline
The remaining Sundays at 8:00 and 10:00 AM
This Sunday-October 10th
20th Sunday after Pentecost
at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.
The Collect
we pray that your grace may always precede and follow us, that we may
continually be given to good works; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
The First Lesson Job 23:1-9, 16-17
In the continuing saga the much-besieged Job longs
for a divine court from which he might seek redress and justice. He casts about on every side for God, but is
met with a devastating absence of God’s presence. Though this reflection comes as a response to
Job’s accusatory “friend” Eliphaz, it is in the nature of an interior monologue
as his distress mounts and he is subjected to a pervading sense of
isolation. Job believes in God’s
justice, but is so bereft of any signs of its dawning that he thinks he would
prefer entire darkness.
Psalm 22:1-15
psalm of lamentation and a plea for deliverance by one who feels deserted and
pressed in on everyside.
The Second Lesson Hebrews 4:12-16
reading reminds us that the Lord’s word is active, probing the human heart and
all creation, while we can yet boldly approach God’s throne because Jesus, our
great high priest, has known our weaknesses and temptations. The first statement is a warning: God’s word,
which God has spoken at the creation, through the scriptures, and personally in
Jesus, is everywhere and makes judgment.
But we now have a heavenly high priest, our brother, who knows all about
our life, and helps us to find God’s mercy. The insistence that Jesus was
without sin relies not on extensive knowledge of what he did not do, but on the
memory of his positive dedication to God’s will.
The Gospel Mark 10:17-31
the gospel Jesus counsels a man to sell all for the benefit of the poor and
follow him, and he then teaches how hard it is for those with riches to enter
the kingdom. Disciples who now surrender
much will receive back all manner of new relationships in the age to come. Jesus first refuses to let himself be called
good since that description belongs to God alone. He then finds that the man has tried to live
out his duties toward his neighbors in response to divine love. But the decision for discipleship must go
beyond this. If the heart is divided by
desires for worldly security, there is no way one can enter into the kingdom’s
loving justice. Yet by the power of God people can be
converted and saved.
Updating the Prayer List
Please let Deb know if you need someone added to the prayer list. Thank you.
Contemplative Practice on Zoom
Tuesdays from 9:00-10:00am
Teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart.
Psalm 90:12
The pace with which we move through our days can cause our hearts to be weary and distracted. We can feel disconnected from our lives. Making room in our life to pause, sit in silence, and simply be can help us reconnect and strengthen our hearts.
Each Tuesday morning our session will draw upon the Christian contemplative tradition, monastic spirituality, Buddhist meditation, and self-compassion practices. Our time together will include prayer, guided meditation, contemplative sharing from the heart, conversation, and fellowship. Newcomers are welcome at each session.
If you would like to learn more or have questions, contact Christi Humphrey at
Christi offers a Tuesday evening contemplative practice, virtually, through Bethany House of Prayer, Arlington, MA. If you are interest in this offering visit or contact Christi.
At the setting of the sun,
in the enveloping darkness of night,
at the interplay of hours
with sunlight giving way to moonlight,
we step form the day into the night
with a desire to be still,
and in being still
to turn to you, O God,
and in turning to you
to return to the creative depths of our soul.
At the setting of the sun,
in the darkness of the night
we turn to you.
John Philip Newell, Sounds of the Eternal
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Who? Jen Huckman and Carol Tubman |
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What? Completed four -year EFM course |
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Where is it? |
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Ahhh! beautiful! |
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How: " We DID it!!! |