November 11, 2021



Todd Hammond’s funeral is at St. Andrew’s at 2:00 pm on Saturday, November 13. I hope many of you will be able to attend to support Beverly and her family.

Thank you to everyone who helped us get ready for the Bishop’s visit! The Prince Room is put back together and looks beautiful – be sure to take a look at it if you haven’t already. Thanks to Lisa, who put so much time into this, to Gretchen, Pat, Sammie and Christi who helped sort and shelve books and hang pictures, and to George, who removed boxes of books and bookshelves for us.

Stewardship Update I’m grateful to everyone who has turned in your pledge card and fall leaf. As of today we’ve received 45 pledges, for a total of $137,502. We are also still short of our goal of $155,000. Please turn in your pledge card and your fall leaf on Sunday at the latest. Thank you!

A Brief Theology of Thanksgiving, Part I, from the SALT Project

The Difference Gratitude Makes

There’s perhaps no better day than Thanksgiving to reflect on the astounding power of gratitude itself — and accordingly, to commit ourselves to cultivating it more intentionally in the coming year.  

If we think of “gratitude” primarily as a kind of duty to discharge (Now remember to write that thank-you note!), we’re missing the boat entirely, effectively reducing one of life’s wonders to mere good manners. On the contrary, gratitude is vital force in the world, a profoundly dignifying act that builds relationships, communities, and healthy human hearts.

The science on this subject is overwhelming: in study after study, gratitude has been shown to lead to stronger relationships, better sleep, lower blood pressure, fewer trips to the doctor, fewer depressive symptoms, more patience, and more perseverance, among other benefits (check out these study summaries here and here). In one particularly intriguing study, gratitude turns out to be a powerful antidote to the “Headwinds/Tailwinds Asymmetry,” our all-too-common tendency to focus on the obstacles in our lives (headwinds) and overlook blessings (tailwinds), an imbalance that over time leads to feeling aggrieved and resentful. In short, focusing on headwinds breeds bitterness; focusing on tailwinds breeds appreciation — and the act of thanksgiving helps call our attention to the winds at our backs.

Parts II and III to follow in coming weeks.

Blessings,  Caroline

The 1st Sunday of the month at 9:00 AM
The remaining Sundays at 8:00 and 10:00 AM

This Sunday-November 14

The Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost

at 8:00 and 10:00  a.m.

Join us for the service
 via Zoom (email for Zoom information)
or Facebook at

READINGS FOR SUNDAY                
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Pentecost 25, Year B

The Collect

Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

First Lesson                              1 Samuel 1:4-20

In this Hebrew Bible reading we hear the story of the birth of the prophet Samuel, on whom the guidance and direction of Israel waits.  In distress of her barrenness, Hannah makes fervent intercession before the Lord, pleading for a male child and promising that should her hope be granted, the child will be set aside for the Lord’s service.  The priest Eli at first thinks Hannah is drunk, but when he perceives her faithfulness, prophesies that the Lord will fulfill her petition.  Against all expectation Hannah becomes pregnant and delivers Samuel, who will become a nazarite, a prophet and a great judge over Israel.

Canticle 1 Samuel 2:1-10 (Song of Hannah)

The song of Hannah portrays the mother of the prophet Samuel rejoicing in the Lord’s provision.

The Second Lesson                             Hebrews 10:11-25

In this New Testament lesson we learn that Christ’s sacrifice, supplanting those of the early offerings of the people, is the effective provision for all time and all people, and he has become a new and living way offering access to God, who may now be freely approached.  The Holy Spirit confirms within all disciples that what was promised by the prophets has now been fulfilled; God’s eternal law is now inscribed on human hearts and minds.  Believers who have been washed in baptism must continue in the faithful way, encouraging each other to love, good deeds, and frequent assembly.

The Gospel                               Mark 13:1-8

In our gospel lesson Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple, and tells of what is to come.  One of the disciples expresses awe at the grandeur of the temple built by Herod.  Then, while viewing the temple complex from the Mount of Olives, four of the disciples privately inquire as to when Jesus’s prophecy might come to pass.  Jesus responds that wars and imposters, political upheaval and natural disaster will come, but they are but birth pangs of the end.

Click below to see the readings: 

One thing we can always do while we stay at home is to pray for each other! We would like to keep our prayer list up to date and publish it each week in the Thursday Memo. Please email Deb at with any updates.

This Week We Pray for

Health and Wholeness for: Cordelia Adams, Megan Adams, Angela B, Clementine Adams, Carolyn Boldt, Marilyn Cloran, Gary Cole, Ellen, Tracy Forde, Bev Hammond, Josh Hammond, Sue Huckman, Carolyn Jarvis, Patrick Kennedy, Jack Lamberti, Chris Mains, Margaret, Joan Marshall, John McGowan, Pam, Peg Patenaude, Curt R., Sage, Sharon Sousa,  Steve Thompson, Gabriele & Bob Wallace, Johnathon Walty.

For those who are home: Audrey Berry, Joyce Gendron, Judy Grace, Marge Hagerup, Joan Marshall, Elizabeth Pease, Elizabeth Wiesner.

For those who have died: Todd Hammond

Updating the Prayer List

Please let Deb know if you would like to add someone to the prayer list. Thank you.


 Grant us, O God, not to be anxious about earthly things 

but to love things heavenly and, even now,

while we are placed among things that are passing away,

to hold fast to those that shall endure; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

                                                          ~ Book of Common Prayer, p. 234


The Food Pantry thanks you for your contributions throughout the year.

Food pantry continues to serve the communities needs
New Hours
Alternating Wednesdays
11-3 pm
Next Food Pantry:

Monday, November 22

Any questions call 603-960-4067.

If you do not see your birthday or anniversary listed, please make sure Deb in the office has an information sheet on file for you.
9    Alys Walker
10  George Rau

22  Antonio & Betty Faella
25  John & Joan Marshall