FROM THE RECTOR Caroline is away this week. May
God's presence be with you,
God's love within you,
God's light shining through you this
Christmas Season.
Blessings, Caroline
God's presence be with you,
God's love within you,
God's light shining through you this
Christmas Season.
Blessings, Caroline
On Sunday, January 2 there will be an online Service of Lessons and Carols at 9:00 am led by our lay Worship Leaders.NDAY MORNING
The Second Sunday after Christmas
via Facebook Live at 9:00a.m.
The Collect
O God, who wonderfully created, and yet more wonderfully restored, the dignity of human nature: Grant that we may share the divine life of him who humbled himself to share our humanity, your Son Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
This Week We Pray for:
our Parish Cycle of Prayer: John & Joan Marshall.
In the Diocesan
Cycle of Prayer:
In thanksgiving for a New Year.
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du
Health and Wholeness for
John Appleton, Carolyn Boldt, Jennifer
Brady, Marty Cloran, Lin Frank, Bev Hammond, Sue Huckman, Joan
Marshall, John McGowan, Grete Plender, Steve Thompson, Carol Tubman, Gabriele &
Bob Wallace, Rob Walty.
Family and Friends: Melody, Megan Adams, Angela B, , Gary Cole, Grace
Dick, Tracy Forde, Josh Hammond, Zac Hammond, Carolyn Jarvis,
Jack Lamberti, Chris Mains, Lyse Marshall, Margaret, MacKenzie Paine, Peg Patenaude,
Curt R., Sage, Sharon Sousa, Johnathon Walty.
Homebound: Audrey Berry, Joyce Gendron, Judy Grace, Marge
Hagerup, Elizabeth Pease, Elizabeth Wiesner.
those who have died:
Updating the Prayer List
Please let Deb know if you would like to add someone to the prayer list. Thank you.

Word became flesh and lived among us. —John 1.14
Christmas is not merely about a little babe once upon a time,
but the Incarnation: God's Word made flesh,
God's love embodied among us,
God's will, that is, God's delight, living among us
and within us, the miracle of living itself.
This is a new Creation,
the bursting forth of God's light in our darkness,
the birthing of God's love in our hearts.
This is a day of our belonging,
as God, in infinite power and love,
chooses to belong to us, who belong to God.
This day we celebrate the undoing of our undoing:
the healing of our imagined wound:
for now we know, from manger to cross,
God is one of us, and we are one of God.
Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light