Mark your Calendars:
Due to the forecasted wintry mix late morning on Sunday, January 29 we will have one service only, at 9:00, followed by the Gifts Workshop. My apologies for the short notice.
Gifts Workshop, Part 2 - January 29, 2023: Part 2 of the Gifts Workshop will focus on identifying the gifts of others and looking at the ministries of St. Andrew's. Are you called to join a new ministry? All are welcome! There's no need to bring back materials from the first workshop, and you don't need to have attended it. We hope you will join us!
Annual Meeting - February 5, 10:30: We will follow the same format as in previous years, with a 9:00 service followed by a brunch and the Annual Meeting. Please plan to bring a main dish or a side for our brunch. Sammie is bringing cheese grits!!
Bishop's Visit - February 12: The Bishop will be with us for his annual visitation. He will be the Celebrant at the Holy Eucharist at both 8:00 and 10:00. He will meet with the parish between the two services, at 9:00, and join us for Coffee Hour. Following Coffee Hour he will meet with the Vestry. Please plan to attend one of our services and welcome him to St. Andrew's
Caroline's last Sunday - February 19 (though I will be in the office until February 28)
Fragrance Reminder: As many of you know, we have several parishioners who are sensitive to fragrances, and exposure to them can make the worship experience difficult. For the comfort of all worshipers please refrain from the use of products with fragrances when attending worship and other church activities. Thank you!
The CDC places Carroll County in the MEDIUM range for Covid community spread. Masks are not required (but are welcomed!) and the section across from the choir is reserved for those who wish to sit with others who are masked. We will have coffee hour after the service unless Carroll County is ranked in the high range.
Sun. Jan 29
8 and 10
Workshop, Part II
Wed. Feb.
Prayer Shawl
Food Pantry
Sun. Feb.
Sun. Feb.
8 and 10
Sun. Feb.
8 and 10
Holy Eucharist,
Caroline’s last Sunday
Every Week
8:00 pm
AA Meeting
9:00 am
Transition Team
8:00 pm
AA and Al
Anon Meetings
Mark your Calendars:
Due to the forecasted wintry mix late morning on Sunday, January 29 we will have one service only, at 9:00, followed by the Gifts Workshop. My apologies for the short notice.
Gifts Workshop, Part 2 - January 29, 2023: Part 2 of the Gifts Workshop will focus on identifying the gifts of others and looking at the ministries of St. Andrew's. Are you called to join a new ministry? All are welcome! There's no need to bring back materials from the first workshop, and you don't need to have attended it. We hope you will join us!
Annual Meeting - February 5, 10:30: We will follow the same format as in previous years, with a 9:00 service followed by a brunch and the Annual Meeting. Please plan to bring a main dish or a side for our brunch. Sammie is bringing cheese grits!!
Bishop's Visit - February 12: The Bishop will be with us for his annual visitation. He will be the Celebrant at the Holy Eucharist at both 8:00 and 10:00. He will meet with the parish between the two services, at 9:00, and join us for Coffee Hour. Following Coffee Hour he will meet with the Vestry. Please plan to attend one of our services and welcome him to St. Andrew's
Caroline's last Sunday - February 19 (though I will be in the office until February 28)
Fragrance Reminder: As many of you know, we have several parishioners who are sensitive to fragrances, and exposure to them can make the worship experience difficult. For the comfort of all worshipers please refrain from the use of products with fragrances when attending worship and other church activities. Thank you!
The CDC places Carroll County in the MEDIUM range for Covid community spread. Masks are not required (but are welcomed!) and the section across from the choir is reserved for those who wish to sit with others who are masked. We will have coffee hour after the service unless Carroll County is ranked in the high range.
Sun. Jan 29 |
8 and 10 |
Eucharist |
11:15 |
Workshop, Part II |
Wed. Feb.
1 |
10:15 |
Prayer Shawl
Ministry |
11:00 |
Food Pantry |
Sun. Feb.
5 |
9:00 |
Eucharist |
10:00 |
Brunch |
10:30 |
Meeting |
Sun. Feb.
12 |
8 and 10 |
Visit |
Sun. Feb.
19 |
8 and 10 |
Holy Eucharist,
Caroline’s last Sunday |
Every Week |
Tuesday |
8:00 pm |
AA Meeting |
Wednesday |
9:00 am |
Prayer |
1:00 |
Transition Team |
Saturday |
8:00 pm |
AA and Al
Anon Meetings |
Both services will be in person, the 10:00AM service will be livestreamed via Zoom and Facebook Live.
Email for Zoom meeting information or
visit Facebook at
IIn our lesson from the Hebrew Bible God contends with the people of God, reminding them of the saving acts done for them and instructing them in the good that God expects. the very mountains and hills are called as witnesses. God led the people out of Egypt and through the wilderness in safety. Yet they sin. It is not animal or human sacrifices the Lord wishes, but that the people act in justice, and loving kindness, and humility.
| January 29 | February 5 |
Acolyte | Lisa | Gretchen |
LEM | Cathie | Kaitlyn |
1st Reader | Patti | Bob |
2nd Reader | Kaitlyn | Sammie |
Prayers | Tina | Dale |
Camera | Sammie | Christi |
8:00 |
Health and Wholeness:
Parish: Carolyn, Judy, Grace, Tim, Sue, Barbara, Joan, Bill, Elizabeth, Grete, Steve, Gabriele and Bob
Family and Friends: Megan, Alec, John, Angela, Kate, Gary, Grace, Dick, Tracy, Jan & George, Carolyn, Jack, Laurie, Alexa, Chris, Lyse, Margaret, Melody, Peg, Curt, Sharon, George Randall, Mary, and Amy.
Birthdays: Kim Whitefeather Altimare 01/26, Carol Tubman 01/27, Joan Marshall 02/02,Carolyn Boldt 02/03, Bill May 02/13, Lin Frank 02/14, Nathalie Smith 02/17, Tom Huckman 02/20, Judy Grace 02/21, Melissa Bunker 02/26
Anniversaries: Valerie and Bill May 02/20
Please let the Parish Office know if you would like to add or remove someone
on the prayer list. Thank you.
The Awareness of Presence
Silence is not merely the absence of internal and external noise. Within the stillness arises our awareness of presence.
We can feel the presence in an empty cathedral, or standing in a mountain forest, or in an open meadow at sunset as the stars begin twinkling while the echo of the whip-o-will dances across the woodland valley.
This silence soaks us with a stillness that allows us to become aware of the presence of eternity behind everything around us. Behind everything we see. Like pinpricks of light breaking through.
When I was five, I would stand out on the wide open hillsides, gazing up at the stars with the moon shining over my heart would expand and soak in the presence of eternity.
God is all around us. Silence allows us to become aware in the stillness, of God's presence.
Another time we were flying into Jackson Hole. The airport is in the middle of the Grand Tetons National Park. We were off-boarding the plane, stepping onto the tarmac, when the vast silence enveloped me. I broke down and wept. I was home.
In the Celtic lands, these are called thin places. The silence brings us into a stillness where we are able to become aware of the presence of eternity all around us. An awareness of seeing that everything is connected, everything is interwoven, and everything belongs.
Silence brings me to our senses, and stillness brings me home.
He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul.
~Psalm 23:2
Bob Holmes, Contemplative Monk