March 11, 2010

A few reminders for the coming week:


This Sunday: Services at 8 and 10. Enjoy the rejoicing of "Refreshment Sunday," also known as "Mothering Sunday,"  "Mid-Lent," or "Laetare Sunday." For centuries the 4th Sunday of Lent has been understood as a "mini-Easter" -- a lessening of the austerities of the Lenten season. This tradition is based on the the old Latin introit for the day, "Rejoice ye with Jerusalem!" (Laetare means to rejoice.) So join us in rejoicing. There will be flowers on the altar, given in loving memory of Edna Jerackas, beloved friend of Peg Cade and mother of Mary Smith, both of whom will be hosting the 10:00 coffee hour.

Holy Living: Approaches to Prayer continues this week with a session on Tuesday at 5 pm and Wednesday at 10 am. The Wednesday group will be followed by eucharist at  11:30. You are welcome to attend either session.

Friday, March 19th will be our Saint Patrick's Day Irish dinner! Hosted by the FUN-Raising committee, 85% of the proceeds will go to support the work of three terrific local organization: the Ossipee Children's Center, Carroll County, and the local chapter of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). Help us reach out through them in support of healthy families in our area. Come, enjoy the good food and the gift of strong community!

Bowling for Haiti! When was the last time you went bowling with a group of Episcopalians? Next Sunday, March 21st, members and friends of the Lakes Region Convocation will claim the lanes at the Bowling Alley in Meredith from 2 to 4. The cost is $5 a string, shoes and balls included. How is this "Bowling for Haiti"? Bowlers will be seeking "supporter-sponsors" -- folks like you who would like to make a modest (or generous) contribution. If you can't bowl, will you offer support? Of course on-site cheerleaders are also welcome! Sponsor sheets and details will be in your Sunday bulletin!

Have you noticed...
The windows are back in -- repaired and painted! Let the sun shine in.

And from our opening hymn this Sunday...

Now quit your care and anxious fear and worry; for schemes are vain, and fretting brings no gain. Lent calls to prayer, to trust and dedication; God brings new beauty night; reply to love most high...
Then shall your light break forth as doth the morning; your health shall spring, the friends you make shall bring God's glory bright ... and love shall be the prize. Arise and make a paradise!

See you in church.
Blessings, Heidi+