Day of Pentecost Gospel Readers: Davis (Welsh), Marty (English), Heidi (Latin), Gabriele (German), Gretchen (French).
Thursday, May 27, 2010
This Sunday, May 30th, is Trinity Sunday. We will have our regular two services of Holy Eucharist, at 8:00 and 10:00 am. Do join us for worship.
Summer Altar Flowers: Do you expect to have flowers in your garden at some point this summer which you would like to provide as altar flowers? Since it is so unpredictable exactly when certain flowers are in full bloom, we are in the process of putting together a list of people who might have flowers available on any given Sunday. We will gather those names together, then at the beginning of any given week be able to send out a general request by email when flowers are needed. Of course, if you are able to plan ahead (as in, "I think my peonies will be out by next Sunday.") so much the better!
As always, if you do not have garden flowers and would like to offer flowers (in memory, in thanksgiving, or in honor of someone), we are happy to order them from our florist, the cost for which is $25.
Altar flower arrangements need not be elaborate or complicated. If you have flowers but are unsure about your arranging skills, let us know, and someone else can take that on or help you.
Finally, it would be wonderful to have someone with regular computer access who would be willing to coordinate the flowers. Might that be you? In the meantime, please email flower-related offerings to Deb at office@standrewsinthevalley.org . Thanks.
Many heartfelt thanks to all who teamed up last weekend to make the Italian Dinner such a success. And special recognition to Lynne Clough, organizer-in-chief, and Ed Walters, accordion player! We brought in close to $600, so we will be sending out about $150 to each of the three organizations: Episcopal Relief and Development, Agape Ministries, and Meals on Wheels.
Food for thought. Much has been written on the Divine Trinity, but here is one of my personal favorites... from Madeleine L'Engle's book Circle of Quiet in which she quotes from a story by Dorothy Sayers. In it a Japanese man is politely listening to a Christian who is trying to explain the concept of the Trinity. The Japanese man is puzzled:
"Honorable Father, very good. Honorable Son, very good. Honorable Bird I do not understand at all."
Madeleine goes on to comment:
"Very few of us understand Honorable Bird, except to acknowledge that without his/her power and grace nothing would be written, painted, or composed at all. To say anything beyond this about the creative process is like pulling all the petals off a flower in order to analyze it, and ending up having destroyed the flower."
See you in church!