May 20, 2010
This Friday's the night! The Italian Dinner begins at 6:00. Tickets are available at the door: adults $10, kids $5. Come and bring your friends for delicious food and good company. Proceeds go to support Meals-on-Wheels, Agape Ministries, and the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund (ERD).
Huggins Hospital Open House, Saturday, May 22nd, 10-2 in Wolfeboro: Come and tour this amazing new regional facility. The Rev. Randy Dales, rector of All Saints' Episcopal Church in Wolfeboro will deliver the invocation at 10:00. The Rev. Heidi Frantz-Dale, rector of St. Andrew's-in-the-Valley, Tamworth, will bless the Emergency Room and staff (directed by our own Carol Tubman) at 10:30 then move up to the Acute Care Unit (directed by our own Chris Mills) to ask God's blessing there as well. Do join us!
This Sunday is the Day of Pentecost, a principal feast of the church year (It's right up there with Easter and Christmas) celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit in tongues of fire upon the disciples. Wear red (or orange or pink or magenta!) to remind us of those shimmery flames of the Holy Spirit! Services are at 8 and 10, with Child Care provided at the later service.
Our Outreach and Mission open conversation will continue at about 11:25 in the Parish Hall this Sunday. Our focus will be on Haiti, with reports on the situation there and how we might respond. To hear our Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori's update on Haiti, click here. Then go to the bottom left of the page for the video block.
This provides some perspective that may be helpful to our conversation.
Many thanks to the actors in last Sunday's cancel drama of Paul and Silas in Prison: Bob S., Davis, Duane, George R., Gretchen, Jonathan, Kaitlyn, Kathy B., Lisa, Marty, and Stephen. Special thanks to Lisa for her directing. CLICK HERE for video of the production!
Veni Sancte Spiritus! Come Holy Spirit!
Blessings, All! See you in church.