Why are these five people smiling?
Because they have just finished painting the Memorial Garden stucco, the office exterior stucco and entire south side of the Parish Hall!
Thank you, Bruce, Duane, Cathie, George, Frank, also to Carol and Bob, who missed the photo!
Saint Andrew's-in-the-Valley
Thursday MEMO for September 16, 2010
Services for Sunday September 19th, will be at 8 and 10 AM. Both services will be followed by coffee hour.
The Rummage Sale in on! Once again you and the wider community have been incredibly generous with contributions of clothing and household linens. There are lots of "goodies" to be found, including many brand new items with their tags still on ... all at unbeatable prices! The sale will begin with a Friday morning segment from 10 to noon, then it will reopen from 5 to 8 PM. Saturday hours are 8 AM to 1 PM.
Many hands make light work. Do you have some available time? Packing up the unsold extras beginning at 12:45 on Saturday goes very quickly with good team of people; with only one or two it takes forever! You get the hint...
More help needed for Dinner Bell this Sunday! The rector and spouse could use a few willing hands from 5 PM through clean-up.
October Discussion Group forming. Take This Bread, by Sara Miles, will be our focus. To say this is a spiritual memoir of a twenty-first-century Christian is an understatement. It is gripping, funny, and truly thought-provoking. "Early one morning, for no earthly reason, Sara Miles, raised an atheist, wandered into a church, received communion, and found herself transformed -- embracing a faith she'd once scorned." Reading it is already changing the lives of several members of this parish!
Rather than a series of discussions meeting weekly, discussing a chapter or two a week, the plan this time is to read the book on your own, and then for us to meet as group at an appointed time. (Actually, if there is interest, we may offer several different times to meet to accommodate individual schedules.)
We will be submitting a group order in late September. List price is $15. To sign up, please email Debra in the office (office@standrewsinthevalley.org) or see the posted list in the Parish Hall, and stay tuned for discussion times in mid October.
A heads up for next Sunday, September 26th: Our Pledge Season continues with Duane Dale, chair of our Facilities Planning Committee, taking the pulpit to get us reflecting on "bricks and mortar" issues! Both services will be followed by a discussion, so plan on being there to be part of the conversation. Please hold your pledges at least until then, and preferably until after you have heard some of the October Sunday stewardship speakers.
A word from our Presiding Bishop as she addressed the House of bishops meeting...
reprinted HERE on our "2010 Blog" page.
Readings for Sunday: Jeremiah 8:18-9:1, Psalm 79:1-9, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13
Food for thought: What might it mean for all of us to "take care of our hive?"

Cathie advises Duane on the office wall.

Frank doing the high stuff!

Come and rest a while in the garden...
See you in church!