Come and see!
Thanks to the hard work of Brian (an outside helper), Sally, Bruce, Duane, Vic, and Debra, our kitchen "refurb" is well underway! Everything has been emptied, thoroughly cleaned, and now painted, ceiling included. (Cupboard doors will be reinstalled after the acquisition of new hardware.)
Additional pictures below.
Saint Andrew's-in-the-Valley
Thursday MEMO
November 4, 2010
Sunday, November 7th and All Saints' Sunday, we will have ONE service only at 9:00. The liturgy will include the in-gathering and offering of our pledges and will be followed by a "Honey Sweet" Celebration Breakfast, to which all are welcome, hosted by the Stewardship Committee. Thanks you to all who have already turned in pledge cards. Those cards, along with those that are brought in on Sunday, will be presented as a special offering. Remembering the departed: We will begin our liturgy on Sunday with the reading of names of departed loved ones. If there are additions to the names already submitted, please email me by Saturday evening (frantzdale@gmail.com) and they will be included.
Don't forget the time change! Set clocks BACK an hour on Saturday night. Our 9 o'clock service on Sunday will "feel" like 10 o'clock.
Special note on the wine at the eucharist: This Sunday (only), in keeping with our season's theme of bees and honey, we will be using mead (honey wine) in place of our usual tawny port. As always, our eucharistic bread is sweetened with honey (recalling both the words from the prophet Ezekiel (16:19) that the Lord had provided the people with "choice flour, oil, and honey," and the psalmist (81:16) My people "would I feed with finest wheat and satisfy with honey from the rock!"
Our Harvest Dinner and Pie Auction are just two weeks away -- Friday, November 19th at 6 PM! Time to get planning. What pies will you make? Sign-up sheet for helpers at the dinner are in the Parish Hall. This has been a wonderfully successful and fun event in the past, and a terrific opportunity to invite friends.
More about the kitchen work: In order to fully clean and paint the kitchen, all the cupboards have been emptied. At the time of the writing of this MEMO, everything is spread out on numerous tables in the Parish Hall (see the picture below)! The sorting team has discovered all sorts of things that have been unused for years, as well as a vast pile of unclaimed dishes from years of coffee hours and suppers! For us to have a well-ordered, workable kitchen, many of these items will need to find new homes! It is highly likely that there will be a "give-away table" this weekend. Plan to take a look and see if there is anything of yours or that you could use. Also, be forewarned ... there is likely to be a table or two of kitchen contents temporarily in the Prince Room for which a "new home" has not yet been found. Please bear with us. This has been a whirlwind of a week for those working on the kitchen. We have a hard and fast deadline to have things fully put away in time for the Harvest Dinner.
Also, be prepared. The cupboards will be without doors this weekend, because new hardware needs to be acquired. The advantage to this is that the contents of everything will be clearly visible. Since there will be some intentional rearranging of things, we will all be able to see quickly what is where as we get accustomed to new (and we hope improved) locations. Please bear with us. (FYI: All upper cupboards are a creamy yellow, lowers are a mid-range sage green.)
We had a free consultation from kitchen designer earlier this week who has made a number of potentially helpful suggestions to the functionality of ours as a community kitchen. Stay tuned for updates as we discern how to move forward.

Bruce works on the drawer fronts.

Vic gets the ceiling above the stove!

How much of this do we really need?

Sally on clean-up (after hours of painting)!
This week's readings: Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18, Psalm 149, Ephesians 1:11-23, Luke 6:20-31.
Food for thought as we conclude this Pledge Season with it's focus on our attention to this place as a community in which we all share:
(From Henri Nouwen, Reaching Out: The Three Movements of the Spiritual Life, 1975)
The basis of Christian community is not the family tie, or social or economic equality, or shared oppression or complaint, or mutual attraction...but the divine call. The Christian community is not the result of human efforts. God has made us into his people by calling us out of "Egypt" to the "New Land" [one flowing with milk and honey!], out of the desert to fertile ground, out of slavery to freedom, our of our sin to salvation, out of captivity to liberation. All these words and images give expression to the fact that the initiative belongs to God and that God is the source of our new life together. By our common call, we recognize each other on the road as brothers and sisters.
May our offerings and festivities this Sunday be a celebration of our shared life, "on the road" together as sisters and brothers living with open generosity the new life we are coming to know in Christ.
So... come and feast!
See you in church!