Our worker-bee Stewardship Committee express their gratitude for your pledges of support to Saint Andrew's.
Shown here, Elaine, Gretchen, George, Marty, and Sammie hosting the Celebration Breakfast on All Saints' Sunday.
Additional pictures below.
Saint Andrew's-in-the-Valley
Thursday MEMO
November 11, 2010
Services for Sunday, November 14th, will be at 8 and 10 AM, followed by a coffee hour.
The service in celebration of the life of Marie Cannon, affiliate of Saint Andrew's and sister-in-law of Peggy Cannon, will take place at 11 AM, Saturday, November 13th. Marie passed away on November 4th, at her home in Portland surrounded by family members. May her soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace.
REMINDERS of other up-coming events:
A concert Friday evening, November 12th at 7 at the Chocorua Church: Indigenous Voices. Jesse Red Horse and Kim White Feather will play Native American flute music to benefit Agape Ministries and the Straughan family's recovery from their house and barn fire. Donations at the door.
Two discussions have been scheduled for the book Take This Bread by Sara Miles. the first will be Wednesday, November 17th at 10:00. The other will be Tuesday, November 23rd at 5:00. You are invited to come to one or the other. If we discover that one session is not enough, we can schedule a second meeting with the group that is gathered.
Bow-making workshop Wednesday the 17th at 7 pm. What are Christmas wreaths without bows???!!! We need some strong-fingered folks to create a sufficent number for the wreaths for Boughs and Bonbons.
Next Friday, November 19th is our annual Harvest Supper and Pie Auction. We are counting on you for your pies and for spreading the word! Dinner will be served at 6 PM and the Pie Auction will begin at 7. Please click on "HELP WANTED: Harvest Supper and Pie Auction" in the column to the upper left for details. (Pies should be delivered to the church by 3:00 on Thursday, the 18th.)
Join us on Sunday, November 21st, at 6 PM for the Community Thanksgiving Service, as we give thanks together for the many gifts of this life. This year it will be held at the Tamworth Congregational Church. This is offered by the Tamworth Associated Churches: The Chocorua Community Church, Saint Andrew's-in-the-Valley Episcopal Church, the Tamworth Congregational Church, and the Unitarian Universalists of the Eastern Slopes. Interested choir members should arrive by 5:00 to prepare the anthem and other music.
Boughs and Bonbons Christmas Fair Saturday, December 4th from 9 to 1. Please click on "HELP WANTED: Boughs and Bonbons" in the column to the upper left for details.
From the Stewardship Committee: Thank you for your strong support. At the time of our in-gathering last Sunday, we had received 54 pledges for the coming year. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! If you have not yet turned in your pledge card, please do so soon. The Finance Committee will be meeting shortly to begin work on the 2011 budget and their work is dependent on pledging information.

The honey cells are almost full. Each full cell represents one pledge. Thanks!
Food for thought in this season of Gratitude...
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
by Melody Beattie
Readings for Sunday: Isaiah 65:17-25, Canticle 9 (The First Song of Isaiah), 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13, Luke 21:5-19
See you in church!
Blessings, Heidi+