Nativity window of the Basilica of Santa Maria within the Benedictine Monastery at Montserrat, Catalonia, Spain.
Saint Andrew's-in-the-Valley
Thursday MEMO
December 23, 2010
The church is ready!
Here's our Christmas Service Schedule:
Friday, December 24th, Christmas Eve:
4:45 Carol Sing; 5:00 PM Service with an interactive children's sermon and the setting and blessing of the creche, a choir anthem, Christmas hymns and Holy Eucharist.
10:45 Carol Sing; 11:00 PM Candlelight Service with sermon, choir anthem, Christmas hymns, and Holy Eucharist.
Saturday, December 25th, Christmas Day:
11:30 AM: Service of Holy Eucharist
12:30 PM: The Christmas Feast in the Parish Hall. All are welcome!
Sunday, December 26th, the First Sunday after Christmas:
9:00 AM [ONE service only] A contemplative Holy Eucharist with harp.
Sunday, January 2nd, the Second Sunday after Christmas and the Bishop's Visit:
10:00 AM [ONE service only] The Rt. Rev. Gene Robinson will preach and preside. the liturgy will be followed by a reception and an open conversation with the bishop. Spread the word and encourage friends and family members to join us that day. Bishop Robinson will be retiring at the beginning of 2013, so this may very well be his last official visit with us.
The church has been humming this week!
103 Christmas meal boxes (an all-time record!) have been prepared and distributed to needy families, thanks to Fred, Donna, Peggy R, Gretchen, Joan, and the Food Pantry team. The office copier and Debra have been producing our four orders-of-service for the next three days! Sally and Victor have installed a dozen replacement tiles in our kitchen floor. Jim Leavens, our volunteer painter, is now completing the interior Parish Hall entry area, the ramp, and "the stage." (the bathrooms were done last week!) The choir has been preparing special music. Dale, Sammie, Lisa, Cathie, Marie, Ed, Duane, Val, Bernice, and I participated in the Greening of the Church last night. Food preparations for our Christmas feast are already underway! What an amazing "hive" this church is! Thank you, All!
Have a blessed Christmas!
Pax, Heidi+