Val and Bill May's daughter, Shannon, and her young son Joseph process the first Advent candle.
Saint Andrew's-in-the-Valley
Thursday MEMO
December 2, 2010

The time for Boughs and Bonbons Christmas Fair has arrived: This Saturday from 9 to 1! Bring your family. Bring your friends. this year's offerings will include a children's table, jams and jellies, scarves, and alternative giving through episcopal Relief and Development. The wreath artisans have been hard at work decorating dozens of fresh balsam wreaths.
Barbara will be creating our famous "cookie plates" on Friday morning. PLEASE get your cookies to her at church by 9 Friday morning. thanks to those of you who have done so already.
There will also be a single item silent auction of a brand new (still in it's packing) set of very attractive white and gold dinnerware for 8 -- bidding to begin at $30.
Mission Center Day with our bishop Wednesday, December 8th with Holy Eucharist at noon at Trinity Church, Meredith. Mission Center Days are opportunities several times each year for informal regional gatherings with our bishop, Gene Robinson. The Meredith location (on the left as you head down hill into Meredith, directly on route 25) is a convenient gathering point for the churches in the Lakes Region Convocation. At least two of us from Saint Andrew's plan to attend.
At 11 AM on Saturday, December 11th, the Diocese of New Hampshire will have a memorial service for the Rt. Rev. Phillip Smith, former bishop of New Hampshire, to be held at St. Paul's Church, Concord. If anyone would like a ride, please call the church office.
Looking ahead to next Sunday, December 12th: Dana Cunningham, area composer and pianist and good friend of St. Andrew's, will be with us to play piano at the 10 o'clock service. Dana's music is lyrical and contemplative. What does she mean by contemplative? As she puts it, "I believe that being contemplative is the same as being deeply attentive, and that its practice in our daily lives, in all that we do, allows us to "wake up." What could be more appropriate to the Advent season? She will also have her CDs available for sale following the service.
Thank you to all who made our Pie Auction such a remarkable success two weeks ago. the pie-providers were: Patti Rau, Lynne Clough, Peg Reinfuss, Cathie Lewis, Kim and Asa Grace, Chris Mills, Carol Tubman, Trish Hodge, Dale Appleton, Peggy Cannon, Sammie Wakefield, Gretchen Behr-Svendsen, Marie Walters, Elaine South, ginger Heard, Joan Wright, Claudia Kennedy, Gabriele Wallace, Lisa Thompson Heidi Frantz-Dale, Barbara Lloyd, Marilyn Cloran, Val May, Bonnie Slader, Diane Lombardi, and Grete Plender.
And the kitchen crew and wait staff:Judy Grace, Gretchen Behr-Svendsen, Diane Lombardi, Chris Mills, Lynne Clough, Peg and Tom Reinfuss, Heidi Frantz-Dale, Cathie Lewis, Peg Cade, and Carol Tubman, meal-coordinator-in-chief. (With apologies if we have neglected to list your name.)
Readings for this Sunday: Isaiah 11:1-10, Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19, Romans 15:4-13, Matthew 3:1-12
Advent food for thought from Archbishop Dom Helder Camara:
that upset your plans,
shatter your dreams,
give a completely different turn to your day
and -- who knows? --
to your life.
It is not chance.
Leave God free
to weave the patterns of your days.
