Saint Andrew's-in-the-Valley Thursday MEMO
Ascension Day
June 2, 2011
Since June 5th will be the first Sunday of the month and the Sunday after the Ascension, we will have ONE service only this Sunday, at 9 AM. We hope you will join us for worship and fellowship on this next-to-last Sunday of the Easter season. The coffee hour will be hosted by the Vestry.
The June issue of The Mountain Top is now in your parish mail box (for those of you who are in town) and has been sent out via US mail to those of you who are elsewhere. It will also be posted on our parish web site this weekend. The advantage of looking at the website version is that you get the pictures in col0r! Please do take the time to read it, as it contains some important information about my upcoming sabbatical refresher leave.
This coming Tuesday, June 7th, the monthly meeting of the Lakes Region Convocation will be held at Saint Andrew's from 7 to 9 PM. The focus of the gathering will be an open forum led by members of the Diocesan Bishop Search Committee. The Search Committee is assembling information for the creation of a new diocesan profile. This will be an opportunity to ask questions and share your insights -- and a wonderful opportunity to be in on the ground floor of the Episcopal Church's participatory democracy. The gathering is open to all (not just our elected delegates to Convocation). Come and experience our wider church. Refreshments will be served from 6:30.
The Women's Lunch Bunch Group will meet on Wednesday, June 8th, at noon at the Mountain View Depot Restaurant in Center Ossipee. All women are welcome.
REMINDER: Next Sunday, June 12th, is the Feast of Pentecost, the day when we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit in "tongues of fire" on the gathered disciples. The color for that day is RED, symbolic of the power of the Holy Spirit. So...pull out your red duds and be prepared for June 12th!
Heads up! Our Chicken Barbecue is coming up -- Friday, June 17th, at 6 PM. Check the sign-up list in the Parish Hall for ways that you can help -- including the distribution of flyers to be posted on area bulletin boards. Flyers will be available on Sunday.
Readings for Sunday: Acts 1: 6-14, Psalm 68:1-10, 33-36, 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11, John 17:1-11
Food for thought and prayer for Ascension Day (and the days following), from the Orthodox tradition...
[Ascension Day is considered a Major Feast Day of the Church year and is celebrated on the Thursday following the Sixth Sunday of Easter, with the following Sunday often referred to as the Sunday after the Ascension.]
The Lord ascended into heaven so that he could send the Comforter into this world. the heavens prepared his throne, and the angels marveled at the sight of a human being more exalted and more glorious than themselves. Today the Father receives again in his bosom the One who was in him from all eternity, and the Holy Spirit gives a command to all the angels: 'Lift up your gates, O you princes.' -- O you nations of the earth, clap your hands, for Christ has gone up to the place where he had been from all eternity.
O Christ, you ascended in glory on the Mount of Olives in the presence of your disciples. O you who penetrate all things with your divinity, you were enthroned at the right hand of your Father and sent down upon your disciples the Holy Spirit who enlightens, strengthens, and saves, our souls.
Continued blessings in this Holy Season!