The Pentecost Gospel last Sunday in Italian, Spanish, German and French,
thanks to Peg, Val, Gabriele, and Lisa. More Pentecost pix below!
Saint Andrew's-in-the-Valley
Thursday MEMO
June 16, 2011
The chicken goes on the grill at 5 PM today! I hope you're palling on joining us for supper at 6:00. Great barbecue menu with home made pies for dessert. And a glorious day. Some of you may even want to picnic outside, if the weather holds up, but tables are primarily set indoors. For the first time, we are also offering take-out meals as well, available from 5:30. Celebrate June! Celebrate Community! And remember...50% of procedes go to Community Outreach. Tickets $10. Children $2. (You didn't really want to cook at home tonight, did you?)

Services this Sunday, June 19th and Trinity Sunday, will be at 8 and 10, with with coffee hour following each and child care provided at the later service. We hope you'll join us for worship and fellowship.
Thank you to those of you who have already responded to the New Hampshire Bishop Discernment Survey, and my apologies for posting a faulty link last week. For the sake of clarity, I will send it out as a separate email. So far, five of us have responded electronically and the parish leadership has all committed to doing it. By the way, results are entirely confidential, but the clergy receive postings as to how many have responded. The Search Committee wants to hear from YOU and your opinions will help shape the qualities of our next bishop! Paper copies are available in the Parish Hall as well, but if you have email access, the marvels of computer technology make the tabulating instant. When you have responded, let me know and we will add your name to our posted list.

Readings for Sunday: Genesis 1:1-2:4, Psalm 8, 2 Corinthians 13:11-13, Matthew 28:16-20
Food for the journey as we approach Trinity Sunday...
from Hildegard of Bingen, mystic, poet, composer, dramatist, doctor, scientist (1098-1179)
On the Trinity: "The Father is brightness and this brightness has a flashing forth and in this flashing forth is a fire and these three are one. The Creator is this living Light; the Son the Shining; the Spirit the One who streams through and ties together 'eternity' and 'equality' so that the Three are One. This is like tying a bundle together, for it would be no bundle if it weren't tied together. Everything would fall apart!"
See you in church!