Spring is coming!
The services for this coming Sunday, March 18th, the Fourth Sunday in Lent, will be at 8 and 10 AM, followed by coffee hour. Please join us for worship and fellowship.
Readings for this Sunday: Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21.
It is with great joy and excitement that the Search and Nominating Committee of our diocese announces the three nominees for Tenth Bishop of New Hampshire:
The Rev. Penelope (Penny) Maud Bridges – Rector of Saint Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, VA
The Rev. A. Robert (Rob) Hirschfeld – Rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Amherst, MA
The Rev. Dr. William (Bill) Warwick Rich – Senior Associate Rector for Christian Formation, Trinity Church, Boston MA
There was “absolute and immediate Search Committee consensus” around these gifted and experienced priests. Please visit the Bishop Search website www.nhepiscopal.org for detailed information about the nominees, the Meets and Greets, the Electing Convention, and the Consecration.
We as the people of this diocese now enter our active phase in the discernment process. Please read their profiles carefully, get to know the candidates as they have presented themselves “on paper,” hold them all in your prayers, and plan to attend at least one of the Meet and Greet Sessions, the most convenient of which will be held at the Holderness School on Wednesday, May 2nd.
Join us tomorrow evening (Friday, March 16th) at 7PM for the service in Celebration of the Life of Joe Mullen, member of this parish who died suddenly last Friday.
Next week, we will celebrate the life of Chuck Werning on Friday, March 23rd, at 3 PM, and the life of Betsy Rouner on Saturday, March 24th, at 11AM.

Join a "theater afternoon" on Sunday March 25th at 2 pm. Attend Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, performed by the local theater company Advice to the Players, followed by a discussion of the play. Sunday's performance is at "Your Theater" at M&D Productions at 1850 White Mountain Highway (Rte. 16), North Conway, near the UPS Store. To keep things simple, order your own tickets. For ticket information call 986-6253 or visit www.AdviceToThePlayers.org. $15 Adults, $10 Seniors, $7 under 18. Three of St. Andrew’s people are acting in the production, Chris Boldt, Rowan Hird and Lisa Thompson. Then after the show, join a group of us from Saint Andrew's at Flatbread Pizza in North Conway to continue our conversation and enjoy the sociability.

Please note: Change of service time for Palm Sunday, April 1st. There will be ONE service only on April 1st, but the decision has been made to hold that single service at 10 AM. This will allow all of us to share together in the festivities of the Blessings of the Palms, the great procession, and the Reading of the Passion Gospel. It will also facilitate the attendance of families, children, permit choir rehearsal time, and the energy demands on all who will have been involved in the services on the preceding two days. (“Eight O’clockers,” thank you for your understanding.)
See you in church.
With Blessings for a Holy Lent,
the office at St. Andrew’s
Fri 3/16:
Food Center7 PM Memorial Service for Joe Mullen
8pm AA & Al-Anon(PH,PR)
10 AM Holy Eucharist
5 PM Dinner Bell (Cook Team: Brett School-Pugh)
Mon 3/19 Church
office closed
7 pm Boy Scouts10am – noon Food Center
8pm AA (PH)
9 AM Morning Prayer
Thu 3/22: