Readings for this Sunday: Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31:9-16; Philippians 2:5-11; Passion Gospel Mark14:32–72; 15:1–47.
Envelopes for Easter Flowers will be in the pews. Please have your envelopes turned into the office by Wednesday, April 4th to be included in the Easter Bulletin.
Children’s Group activities are on a roll at Saint Andrew’s: Eleven children and six adults gathered on Tuesday for “mac & cheese” and an exploration of the Last Supper and Holy Communion. On Holy Saturday morning, April 7th, at 10:30 we will gather to create our Easter Garden. On Easter Day we will unearth our hidden “alleluias” And we are looking ahead to the 4th Sunday of Easter, May 29th when we will celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday. Stay tuned! Our young people are a treasure and they are on the move!
Plan ahead to walk the walk of Holy Week together:
Wednesday of Holy Week at 9am: Service of Morning Prayer with reflection.

On Wednesday, April 4th at 7 join us for a viewing of the film Jesus of Montreal: The film won the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury at the 1989 Cannes Film Festival and the Genie Award for Best Canadian Film of 1989. It has twice been placed second on the TIFF List of Canada's Top Ten Films of All Time, and was nominated for the 1989 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. It is an evocative and thought-provoking film appropriate for mature teens and adults. For a detailed synopsis, Google “Jesus of Montreal” and click on the Wikipedia entry. We will view the film together then provide a time for discussion.
Thursday of Holy Week, April 5th at 7PM: Maundy Thursday liturgy, which includes the retelling of the Last Supper, with foot-washing, followed by holy communion, the stripping of the altar, and the opportunity to meditate on the reserved sacrament.
Good Friday, April 6th, noon to 1:30 pm: A simple service of scripture readings and Meditations at the Cross (come and go as your schedule permits), followed by Stations of the Cross at 1:30.
At 7 PM we will gather for the Good Friday Liturgy of the Day with hymns, Solemn Collects, and communion from the reserved sacrament.

Easter Day services will be at 8 and 10.
As we approach holy days of Holy Week, consider this from Br. Luke Ditewig, SSJE:
Compared to the cacophony of the world, silence keeps catching us off guard, inviting wonder at being so loved by God.
Remember to keep some silence each day during this holy time. Consider:
How is your Holy Week being shaped by the events of the past month of our life together?
See you in church!
Blessings, Heidi+
From the office at St. Andrew’s
Fri 3/30:
10a-noon Food Center
Sat 3/31:
8pm AA & Al-Anon(PH,PR)
Sun 4/1: Palm Sunday
10 AM Holy Eucharist
5 PM Dinner Bell (Cook Team: Need Cooks )
Mon 4/2 Church office closed
7 pm Boy Scouts
Tue 4/3:
10am – noon Food Center
8pm AA (PH)
Wed 4/4:
9 AM Service of Morning Prayer
7 PM Film: Jesus of Montreal
Thu 4/5:
7 PM: Maundy Thursday liturgy