Services for this coming Sunday, The Fifth
Sunday of Easter will be at 8 am and 10 am. We hope you will join us for
worship and fellowship.
Readings for this
coming Sunday: Acts 7:55-60, Psalm
31:1-5, 15-16, 1 Peter 2:2-10, John 14:1-14.
On Friday at 3
o’clock Jennifer Glaws & Marcos Kroupa will be joined in Holy Matrimony
at Saint Andrew’s. If you would like to attend the liturgy, witness their vows,
and wish them well you would be most welcome. Remember… there is no such thing
as a “private” church service. (Jennifer is the great-niece of Peggy Cannon and
the granddaughter of the late Jeannette Glaws, both longtime members of the
Sammie Wakefield is
now in Peru on her mission trip with Eleanore’s
Project, fitting mobility-impaired children with wheel chairs. She is
keeping us posted through daily reports on the Parish Hall bulletin board.
Please keep those children, their parents, Sammie, Tamara, and their team in
your prayers.
Have you noticed? Our
parking lot is free of winter sand! Thank you, George Rau! Thank you,
Gretchen, for the pansies in our outside barrels, and to David Manley and
Barbara Lord for providing hospitality for the diocesan clergy gathering!

HOLD THE DATE! You won’t want to
miss Our Second Annual All-Parish Picnic at White Lake State Park scheduled for
Sunday, June 22. Once again we plan to reserve the Pavilion, celebrate the
Eucharist, enjoy burgers, hotdogs, swimming, and the joyful pleasure of each
other’s company. Further detail will forthcoming.
Andrew’s has long supported the Bearcamp Valley School and Children’s Center.
On Sunday, June 8, 2014 from 4:30 to 7:30 they will be hosting a fundraising
event: the Taste of the Bearcamp Valley
Food Festival at the newly opened and widely acclaimed Hobbs Tavern &
Brewing Company. Individual tickets are $15, but rates are slightly lower if we
reserve a table.
This will be 21st year of this event. Enjoy a buffet of delicious appetizers, soups, breads, entrees and desserts from the region's best restaurants, cafes, as well as offerings from local community organizations. Cash bar. This event is open to the public. Talk to Heidi or Kathy soon if you’re interested. Come be Saint Andrew’s as a visible witness in the wider community … and have a great meal and a great time!
This will be 21st year of this event. Enjoy a buffet of delicious appetizers, soups, breads, entrees and desserts from the region's best restaurants, cafes, as well as offerings from local community organizations. Cash bar. This event is open to the public. Talk to Heidi or Kathy soon if you’re interested. Come be Saint Andrew’s as a visible witness in the wider community … and have a great meal and a great time!
Community Food Pantry is encouraging a new approach to non-food donations: May 18th will be dish detergent. Help stock the
shelves with this necessary item that is not covered by Food Stamps. (May 25th is shelf stable milk/or dry milk) Thanks.
Food for thought as we live into the Great 50 Days of Eastertide from
Brother Curtis, SSJE…
Meet God face-to-face. Receive God’s light. Don’t live your life cowering, with your shoulders hunched, your eyes to the ground. Receive God’s light shining on your own countenance. There’s nothing to be afraid of.
Meet God face-to-face. Receive God’s light. Don’t live your life cowering, with your shoulders hunched, your eyes to the ground. Receive God’s light shining on your own countenance. There’s nothing to be afraid of.
See you in church!
Blessings, Heidi+