This coming Sunday, the Seventh Sunday of
Easter and the Sunday after Ascension Day, we will have ONE service only at
9 am. The Coffee Hour will be hosted by the Vestry. We hope you will join us
for worship and fellowship.
Readings for this
coming Sunday: Acts 1:6-14, Psalm
68:1-10, 33-36, 1 Peter 4:12-14, 5:6-11, John 17:1-11.
Join us this week on
June 4th for First Wednesdays:
Simple soup & salad supper, with reading and conversation. We meet at
5:30 in the Prince Room and close with a brief eucharist, such that we are out
by 7 o’clock. Speak to Heidi if you’d like to read or provide food. This is an
open monthly gathering, continuing a form that we began during Lent.
Bearcamp School’s Taste of the Valley Food Festival, on Sunday, June 8,
2014 at the new Hobbs Tavern…
We already have 20 people signed up, so we have reserved two tables, but there’s room for more! Our reservations are for the 6 PM seating. Ticket price for our tables: $10 to $20 per person – you decide, based on your ability to pay. (The price per table of ten is $150.)
Enjoy a buffet of delicious appetizers, soups, breads, entrees and desserts from the region's best restaurants, cafes, as well as offerings from local community organizations. Cash bar. Talk to or email Heidi or Deb in the office soon if you’re interested. Come be Saint Andrew’s as a visible witness in the wider community … and have a great meal and a fun time supporting a truly important local pre-school and child-care center!

We already have 20 people signed up, so we have reserved two tables, but there’s room for more! Our reservations are for the 6 PM seating. Ticket price for our tables: $10 to $20 per person – you decide, based on your ability to pay. (The price per table of ten is $150.)
Enjoy a buffet of delicious appetizers, soups, breads, entrees and desserts from the region's best restaurants, cafes, as well as offerings from local community organizations. Cash bar. Talk to or email Heidi or Deb in the office soon if you’re interested. Come be Saint Andrew’s as a visible witness in the wider community … and have a great meal and a fun time supporting a truly important local pre-school and child-care center!
MARK YOUR CALENDAR! You won’t want
to miss Our Second Annual All-Parish Picnic at White Lake State Park beginning
at 10:30 on Sunday, June 22. Once again we have reserved the Pavilion,
providing accessible, protected outdoor space to celebrate the Eucharist, enjoy
burgers, hotdogs, swimming, and the joyful pleasure of each other’s company.
Further detail will forthcoming.
Sammie Wakefield continues her mission trip with Eleanore’s Project, fitting mobility-impaired children with wheel chairs. She is keeping us posted through daily reports on the Parish Hall bulletin board and you can follow her here: Please keep those children, their parents, Sammie, Tamara, and their team in your prayers.
The Community Food Pantry continues to encourage a new approach to non-food donations. Help stock the
shelves with these necessary items that are not covered by Food Stamps.
Thanks. June 1st: Paper towels. June 8th: Shampoo/Conditioner.
Tamworth Bunco Group is being formed by Debra, our office manager and she
is looking for new members/players. While not a church-sponsored event, the
games will be held at St. Andrew’s Church and the first one is on Wed., June 18th
at 6 pm (for picnic supper and introduction) and seating for game start is
promptly at 6:45pm. This is a “ladies
only” night out of food, fun, laughter and meeting new people. The dues for the
group meeting once a month will be $6.00, this is used for prizes, refreshments
and space use. If you have never played this popular, fun, dice-throwing game,
that does not involve betting, don’t worry, it is very easy to learn on your
first night! RSVP or questions to Debra in the office, 323-8515.
open question to this congregation: For many years we have held a Rummage Sale in early September,
offering good used clothing at incredibly modest prices. It is a service to the
wider community and is particularly appreciated by parents of growing children.
Recently, the burden of putting on this even has been shouldered by a very
small group of hard-working, faithful people. It brings in about $700 towards
our operating expenses. The FUN-Raising Committee is trying to decide the
future of this event. What is your opinion? Should we continue? Are you willing
to be involved? Should we give it a break for a year or two? Please feel free to
express your opinions to Rev. Heidi (,
Carol Tubman, our Sr. Warden (,
or David Manley, committee chair (
word on how we manage our Parish Prayer list…
Prayer is “responding to God. By thought and by deeds, with our without words.” [BCP 856] Intercessory prayer involves bringing the needs of others before God; with petition, we present our own needs. In both cases asking that God’s will be done. As people of God it is our privilege and obligation to remember those in need, and it is reasonable and appropriate to ask own our own behalf. While prayer itself is a mystery, over time, praying for others changes the one who is offering the prayer, opening us to greater love and compassion, independent of any effect our prayers have on another!
Prayer is “responding to God. By thought and by deeds, with our without words.” [BCP 856] Intercessory prayer involves bringing the needs of others before God; with petition, we present our own needs. In both cases asking that God’s will be done. As people of God it is our privilege and obligation to remember those in need, and it is reasonable and appropriate to ask own our own behalf. While prayer itself is a mystery, over time, praying for others changes the one who is offering the prayer, opening us to greater love and compassion, independent of any effect our prayers have on another!
We welcome your requests to people in need of our prayers. Our basic
prayer-list policy is that a name remains on the prayer list for four weeks. A
name appears in the Sunday bulletin and will be read aloud during the Prayer of
the People. Generally first and last names are listed in print, unless you
request first name only (or occasionally for reasons of confidentiality someone
is listed only by an initial). Before you offer someone’s name, please ask them
if they are willing to have their it listed, rather than just presuming it.
It’s quite possible that you may have information that is personal and that
needs to be respected, or that the person welcomes prayers but does not want
that need made widely public. If it is important that a name remains on the
list longer than a month, please tell Debra; if a name is very long-term (such
as our home-bound parishioners), it will be put on a three-week rotation. Also,
please let Debra know if the person
has recovered or died. It they recover, it is wonderful for all of us to be
able to offer thanksgiving to God! And if they have died, we will lift them up
in the prayers for the departed.
And keep in mind as well that our
worship is enriched by prayers of gratitude! Please don’t hesitate to contact
Deb to have special family blessings such as baptisms, weddings, reunions, and
graduations included in our prayers of thanksgiving. As Christians, we are people of thanksgiving. I find it
interesting that, during the silences in the Prayers of the People, names and
situations are often lifted up for those in need, but there is often silence
from the congregation when we are invited to offer prayers of gratitude!
See you in church!Faithfully ours in the Ascended Christ,